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(I know that sirens and mermaids are technically different but for the sake of this story and my sanity they are the same thing, ok? Also, play the song when you read this chapter. I'm really sorry for posting this so late in the day, I was at my grandma's house.)

Yamaguchi POV

I woke up hearing a knock on my door. I slowly got up and swam to the door.

I opened it to see Suga, Ennoshita, Noya and Hinata outside.

"Hey everyone! What do you need?" I asked.

"Well, it's been a while since we all hung out, so we were hoping you would go to siren's perch with us!" Hinata said, swimming around excitedly.

"I would love to." I came out of my house and closed my door.

Hinata and Noya let out a cheer and started to swim in the direction of the rocks.

Suga laughed and said,

"Well, we better make sure they don't get lost."

Ennoshita nodded and we started to swim after them, talking the whole way there.

~Time skip~

When Suga, Ennoshita and I arrived at the rocks Hinata and Noya were already there, talking with animated hand gestures.

Ennoshita swam over and joined their conversation, leaving Suga and I to talk.

"So, when you got stuck in that net, did you see any other people on the boat or was it just the one?" He asked me.

"Well, I did hear one more voice. It was a pretty big boat so there might be more."

Suga nodded and started mumbling to himself, getting lost in thought.

"Hey! We should do some singing practice!" Noya exclaimed.

"Now? But it's been forever since we've sang together." Ennoshita said.

"All the more reason to do so!" Hinata butted in.

"Are you forgetting that the last time we all sang together we almost killed an entire ship of Humans?" Suga said, crossing his arms.

Everyone gave each other looks (👀) before Noya burst out laughing.

"Please Suga! I swear we'll be careful!" Hinata said, putting on a pouty face.

Eventually Suga caved and gave the ok.

"So, what will we be singing today boys?"


Tsukishima's POV

I woke up to Tanaka shaking me.

"What?" I growled.

"Come look at the sunrise with us!"

I knew this was a battle I wouldn't win, so I grabbed my glasses and got up.

Daichi, Kageyama and Asahi were already on deck, looking over the starboard side of the boat.

When I game out from below deck I gasped. I had never seen anything like it. I walked over to the railing and leaned against it.

Daichi was the first to break the moment.

"Ok, let's all get dressed. Since the fishing season is almost over, let's have a free day, ok?"

Tanaka cheered and ran below deck, Kageyama following close behind him.

I went back to my bed and changed out of my pajama's and into a t-shirt and shorts. I was planning on taking a swim out to sirens perch. As much as I hated to admit it, I really wanted to see Yamaguchi again.

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