Chapter 3: How?

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Okay, here's chapter 3. A lot of people said that the last chapter was exactly like the first one. It wasn't. While it took place the same time, it was Erica's POV instead. I won't do it very often but I felt it was important to know both soon-to-be parents feelings on finding out they were gonna have a kid. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Living Room
Berica's House
8:30 PM
January 28th

Ben's POV:
She'd fallen asleep while we were laying on the couch. So I took this time to think.

I'm gonna be a dad. A parent. Of a child. A human kid.

Oh boy.

I don't know how to raise a kid! 

I mean Erica doesn't either I guess. 

So we'll be in it together.


I like the sound of that word. 

To think that 10 years ago I was hoping she wouldn't forget me when she graduated. 

And now, we're married and going to have a kid.

It was all a bit overwhelming, but exciting.

I love her with all of my heart. 

Always have, and always will.

But while we don't know how to take care of a kid, we had Mav, who we took care of the past 5 ish years. 

It can't be that different, right?


Very wrong.

Erica's POV:

I woke up and saw Ben lost in thought next to me.

"Whatcha thinking about babe?"

"Huh? Oh uh just thinking."

"Really?" I said sarcastically.

"It always surprises me how fast your sarcasm comes back when you wake up."

"Ha ha."

"There it is again! Told ya." He grinned.

"Seriously though, what were you thinking about?"

"Everything." He sighed.

"Doesn't narrow it down much dummy."

"Remember what you used to say? How relationships are hard in the spy world?"

"Well yeah-"

"You were right."

"Ben?" I asked with concern. "What are you talking about? What do you mean?"

"No not like that." He reassured. "I'm not leaving you Erica. I will never leave you. I promise. I love you too much to live without you."

I let out a relieved breath I didn't know I was holding.

"But you were right. I mean it's been way harder since we've been together. And we've worked through it. And it's been amazing. But a kid is a big responsibility. I'm excited, but kinda worried. Where will we leave him or her when we go on missions? Or what do we teach him or her? I don't know how to raise a kid. And neither do you. It's hard enough on normal people, but us? We're spies. It'll be a huge challenge. And we'll need to work together."

"That's a fair point. All of them were. It'll not be easy. But neither was being a couple, an here we are. We stuck together through it all, and it went pretty well, I think."

"And you're gonna go through all kinds of new things. I'll be here the whole time. But we'll also need to tell the others. Because you will have a little more trouble on missions. And while they might not notice at first, they will figure it out eventually." He added.

"Yeah. But we should probably wait a little while to make sure we're sure I am."

He nodded and pulled me closer and wrapped me in a hug.

"I love you Erica."

"I love you more." I smiled.

"Always a freaking competition. And yet you always lose because I love you the most." He smirked.

We sat there and didn't say a word.

"We'll be okay. We can do this." He reassured. 

Whether it was for me or him, I'm still not quite sure.

"I mean we've taken Spyder down tons. Done all kinds of dangerous stuff. We should be able to do this. It can't be that hard right?" He said hopefully.

If only we knew how very wrong he was.

Ok Ik it's another kinda short chapter, but they will start to get longer as it gets going. Pretty soon they'll be pretty long :)

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