Chapter 11: Jeffrey

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Okay, another note, when he says Kase it's pronounced like Case, and not a typo lol. This is what I imagine the mansion to look like if it were more old fashioned but i think a modern mansion would be cool too. One change to this one though, instead of being only 2 stories tall, it's 8, and a lot wider. I know that's very large for a house, and definitely very expensive, but it's a mansion and they're very, very, very rich so I think it works. Also, chapter numero eleven :)

 Williamson Manor
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
9:15 PM

February 7th

Ben's POV:
"This is a lot to take in." He said.

"I understand sir. It was a lot for me too." I said and Erica nodded.

"Where are you 2 staying?" Mr. Williamson asked.

"A best western in the city." I answered politely, Erica staying silent.

"Well, as my son, you're both welcome to stay here of course."

"Thank you sir but we don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense. And there's no need for sir. Since dad seems a bit fast and forward at the moment, you can just call me Jeffrey for now."

"That makes sense. What do you think Kase?"

"What do you mean what do I think?" She giggled. "It's your family, your choice."

"And you mean the world to me. I obviously want to get to know my family better, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable meeting them all, we've only been dating like 4 months, I don't want to rush things.

"It won't make me uncomfortable and you've met my family; I'll go anywhere as long as you're there too." She took my hand with an adorable little smile.

"Alright then," I smiled at her. "If it wouldn't be to much trouble I think we'd like to stay here?" I asked the man gently.

"Absolutely." He said with a big grin. "Oliver?" He called and the boy walked back into the room. "Show them to the room next to yours on the 7th floor, will you?" He paused. "As long as you two are okay in the same room, that is."

"Yeah that's no problem at all, and I'd feel better if she was close to me. It'll make this huge change a lot easier." I said with a little smile at her, then to him.

"Wonderful. If you don't mind, for precautions sake I'm going to call a professional to come and test your DNA with Oliver's to be sure because many people have tried to scam us. I'm sure you're not but..." He trailed off.

"No problem at all, I completely understand."

"Splendid." He beamed.

We stood up and thanked him before following Oliver into an elevator in the lobby.

"So, you're my brother huh?" He asked with an amazed tone after a little while as we were walking into the elevator. He pushed the second highest button, which was the 5th floor.

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

He smiled.

"Not a problem at all. I've always wanted a brother. And I got a twin too? Awesome." He said excitedly. 

"It's great that we're being showed to the room where we can stay, but we don't have our stuff." Erica noted. "Shouldn't we go get it from our hotel first?"

"Don't worry, Charles will handle that."

"Charles?" She asked.

"Yes, our head butler. He's a very nice man."

"Head butler?" I asked, faking amazed. "You have a butler? And a head butler? That means you have like, more than one of them!"

We obviously knew this already but it would seem strange if we weren't amazed by this considering we were supposed to be hardworking middle class citizens who wouldn't have the money for a staff.

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