Chapter 10: Twinsies

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Okay! One note, when she says Cars, its not cars like vroom vroom car, its like Carson minus the on, so it sounds like Carsss when you say it. Think like snake hiss type sound. That was really unnecessarily long and stupid but here's the next chapter lol :)

Best Western
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
9:15 PM
February 7th

Ben's POV:
After a decent amount of preparation, we were preparing to infiltrate the Williamson Mansion.

Once we were there, we'd have little earbuds built into our air-pods like Mike so they wouldn't suspect us if they searched us and found them. We weren't allowed to bring all of our weapons either. We each brought 2 guns and some extra bullets along with a taser and pepper spray. We were able to get away with this because of how dangerous Thompson was and whatever all.

We had these all packed into the suitcases we came with so we had all our stuff. We removed every trace of anything that gave away our previous identities.

Erica had her hair dyed a sandy brown that was almost a golden blond and got grayish contacts, making her almost look like one of our friends named Annabeth. I had one blue contact put in so that I'd have a green eye like him, Sofia, and his, soon to be my, father, and one blue to be like his, and again, soon my, mom. My hair we lightened and cut a couple shorter so it had the same look as his but was less messy as it had been, making it look even closer. We were both given natural enough looking spray tans and we looked like brand new people.

Given how fit, tan, and light haired we were, we looked a lot like the average visual stereotype of  surfers, but we had our differences, which is good because we wanna make sure we fit in but not too much that it was obvious we were trying to.

The story was we were separated at birth when she died. I bounced around in foster homes, until I turned 18, graduated high school, and started surfing and writing because it just felt right and like it was what I needed to do. I made a decent enough amount of money and lived on my own, never having found my permanent foster family. I'd been finishing up at a competition a month and a half ago when the doctor, or Cyrus, told me we needed to talk and that I needed to go home and meet my real family now that I'd grown up and become an adult. He told me where to find them and I spent time preparing and telling my girlfriend all about everything yada yada.

Mike had gone out on another date with Charlotte to keep that going, which Zoe didn't seem to be too thrilled about.

Zoe had her own job too. Get info on Sophia so she could become her friend more easily, since she seemed to be much more reasonable and cautious. Or at least she didn't fall in love with a guy the second he bumped into her. Which is impressive since that's like the first time besides my wife, (who was nicknamed literally 'Ice Queen' as you all know), that he didn't get the girl to like him immediately.

Long story short, we were all working very hard to make this a smooth and easy operation, since inevitably, the further on we go, the more things will go wrong. At least we can get a smooth start before it all crumbles to very dangerous and life threatening pieces.

Erica and I had also deleted all the security cam footage and moved everyone into new rooms so no one would see us all go in to one. Erica and I were together since our cover was together, but everyone else was spread out, Mike, Cyrus, and Zoe even moved to 3 other pretty nice hotels. This meant Erica and I were in one with Catherine, but on a different floor and way far away, Mike was at his own, and so was Cyrus, and Zoe. If they made us now it'd be because of an error later on, or something we all missed.

Me and Erica were going to drop the bomb around 9:30-9:45. So we were sitting around killing time.

"Hey Ben?"

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