Chapter 8: Zoe's Psychic and Mike's Immature

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Okay, it's actually gonna go to Sofia's POV for part of this one, then it'll switch a couple times.

Williamson Mansion
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
9:15 PM

February 4th

Sofia's POV:
I love my sister, but I was kinda getting sick and tired of hearing about Solomon.

It had been a couple hours since she bumped into him, and that's all she would talk about.

"Hey Sof?"


"I think he's-"

"The one? I know Char. You've said that 8 times in the past 20 minutes alone."

"But did you see his smile? And his hair? And he was so sweet!"

"I was there." I laughed. "He was pretty cute."

"Wait. Do you like him too?" She asked sadly.

"He's cute but I don't like him like him. I mean I don't think so at least."

"It was like-"

"Love at first sight? You mentioned that too."

"He put his jacket on my shoulders!"

"Oh my!" I said sarcastically, with my hands on my face and mouth open wide.

"I know right?"

"Are you sure it's not just one sided?"

"No! It's true love Sofia!"


Her phone dinged and her eyes widened when she looked at it.


"He just snapped me!" She threw the phone down and ran to change and fix her makeup. Again.

"Oh for gods sake you're obsessing."

"When you meet your soulmate, you'll obsess too." She said defensively.

"He snapped you so you're redoing your makeup and changing your outfit."


"Oookay then."

Her phone started ringing so I picked it up.

"Sol wants to FaceTime you."

She ran in and dove onto the bed.

"Hey." She smiled. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"

She grinned and nodded.

"Pick you up at 8 tomorrow?"

"Mhm." She nodded again.

"Cool. See you then." He said casually with a hint of a smile.

"Uh huh." She giggled as he hung up.

"YES!" She squealed. "I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU!"

"He literally asked you out and said see you tomorrow."

"I KNOWWW!" She giggled.

"Whatever." I laughed.

Zoe's POV:
"I almost feel bad about this. She seemed so excited." Mike said.

"She's a possible enemy agent in disguise." Cyrus noted as he walked into the other room.

"I said almost." Mike pointed out. "Like I don't like her like that but she seems to really like me."

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