Chapter 2: Walmart

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Okay, here's the first new chapter of this book. Not sure how long it will be but it'll be shorter than the last one. And wayyy less complicated and confusing.

Living Room
Berica's House
4:30 PM
January 28th

Erica's POV:
I had been feeling strangely for a little while but I thought nothing of it. Curiosity got the best of me, so I googled my symptoms and came up with a unsettling conclusion.

It said I might be pregnant.

I'd been trying to convince myself it was nothing all day, but decided I needed to know. 

Ben and I had been watching tv when I got up and walked outside without a word.

I walked to the car quickly and heard him run out after me.

"Erica what's wrong?" He called.

As much as I wanted to tell him the truth, I didn't want to worry him and I had no idea how he'd react. I decided to wait and tell him later after a test.

"It's uh- nothing."

"You know I'm not dumb enough to believe that."

"It was worth a shot." I said as I tried to smile.

"Erica are you okay sweetie?" He asked, and I could hear the worry in his voice growing.

"Yeah I'm fine." 

"Erica, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong. And don't lie and say you're fine. I can tell you're not. Should I call your mom and see if she can help with anything?"

"Thanks Ben but I just need to run to the store."

"I can go get whatever you need or come with if you want."

I can't let him do that. I'd have to explain it first.

Not yet. It's too soon.

"Thanks but I need to go myself and clear my head."

"Okay, but drive safe. I'll wait here on the porch for you."

"You don't have to."

"It wasn't an offer. It was a statement." He said firmly.

"Okay, your choice. I'm just running to Walmart a sec. I'll be fine."

"Okay but call me if anything happens."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too."

I closed my door and drove away as he sat on the front porch.

I took a deep breath.

I decided to turn on the radio to try and help me relax.

But somehow every song that played only reminded me of Ben. 

I turned it of and tried to figure out how he would react.

Would he be worried? Scared? Mad? Sad? Happy?

I'd changed a lot since I was 'Ice Queen' but I still never quite understood how people reacted to certain situations a certain way and why.

We lived close to one so I parked and went in. I grabbed some chips and a couple cokes so I could get what I was really there for inside without Ben knowing I had anything else.

I grabbed a pregnancy test and headed for the self-checkout. I prayed there would be no problems making an employee's help necessary. Thankfully everything went smoothly and I headed home.

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