Chapter 4: If?

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Okay this book is gonna be like 20-25 chapters I think. Before anyone says it, reminder, this is not going to have dirty stuff. Don't get any ideas. *Koff koff Jay koff* 

Berica's House

10:45 AM
February 4th

Erica's POV:
I'd been thinking about it for a while now. 

A kid would be tough to raise.

And while Ben was a normal kid when he was younger, all I've known is spying.

I have no clue at all how to raise a kid. 

I shook him awake gently. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me curiously.

"Hey Ben?" 

"What's up babe?"

"What in the heck are we supposed to teach our kid?" 

"Well I think like everything." He laughed.

"I know but like what specifically?"

"Well the simple things like how to talk and walk and stuff like that."

"And spy stuff?"

"Yeah. If we decide we want the kid to grow up and go to Spy School, we should probably give em the Ripley/Hale advantages." He teased.

"What do you mean if?"

"Well I don't want to assume what will happen." He said as he sat up a little.

"Wouldn't our kids go to Spy School?"

"Do you want them to?"

"Well... yeah."

"Okay, then we let them go." He shrugged.

"Do you not want them to?"

"What I want is for them to have some time to be regular kids. I definitely want them to get the chance to be spies like we did, but I don't want them to never have fun."

"So like a balance of training and fun?"

"Exactly." He smiled.

"That's fair. I didn't get to do much normal stuff as a kid bec-"

"Because you weren't normal?" He teased.


He snickered so I punched his arm.


"Did you seriously just say because I wasn't normal?"

 "Am I wrong though-" I punched his arm again. "Hey! Am I?"

"I was training to be a spy. Of course I wasn't normal."

"Zoe seemed pretty normal when I met her." He pointed out.

"Why Zoe? Why not Chip or Jawa or Mike huh? Why her?" I said slightly aggressively.

"You still get jealous." He sang quietly with that goofy smirk on his face.

"Nick Jonas at a time like this?"

He shrugged.

"Why Zoe though? You didn't answer my question." 

He hummed the tune of jealous. I punched his arm so he put his hands on the sides of my shoulders and made me look at him.

"Babe, I love you, but you need to calm down." He said with a laugh. "I said Zoe because Jawa was a freak of nature and like good at everything. Which didn't seem normal at all. Chip was a bully and a jerk so I didn't pay much attention to how normal he seemed. As for Mike, he wasn't a spy until years later. Therefore not making him a valid example. He wasn't a spy when I first knew him, so he was and seemed normal. Zoe was the one who seemed like a normal nice girl. I mean, it definitely wasn't you, let's be real."

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