First Day Of School

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 [Name] rushes out the door, adjusting her hero costume and she walks in a fast pace

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[Name] rushes out the door, adjusting her hero costume and she walks in a fast pace. Today she's starting her teaching job at U.A. as a teacher's assistant and she's excited. She wants to teach kids about the hero life and help them in starting their path as heroes. She's graduated from U.A. in the past and she figured she could get a job there.

She's also a pro hero. She's Number Twenty-Six in the ranking and she's not one that really cares about her ranking. She loves saving people and letting them know that they're out of harms way. She also likes to take down villains as well.

She puts a hand to her head, her head throbbing as it's in pain. She wished she could have not gotten drunk last night, but she really needed to forget those feelings that she tried drowning in alcohol.

The sound of screams alerted [Name] and she takes flight, spreading her white wings out as she flies. She flies to the noise of the screaming, seeing citizens run away in a panic as there's a villain that has a body of a snake with legs of a lizard and a head of a bull. The villain is huge, almost like a semi-truck size. She clicks her teeth, hovering in the sky as her wings flap to keep her moving. That villain is causing a ruckus and it's only 7 in the morning.

[Name] flies down, pulling her fist back.

"Hey asshole!" 

Her fist connects with the villain's bull face, knocking him down in the ground. [Name] stands up, glaring down at the villain and she keeps her boot on the villain's face. The villain matches her glare and he lets out a huff of breath from his nose.

"You think you can hold me down!" The villain yelled.

[Name] flaps her wings, moving away from the villain before he could toss her away. She gritted her teeth and the villain charges at her, his horns facing her and [Name] narrows her eyes. She uses her wings to fly and she grabs the horn's of the villain's head, using her wings to help with slowing the villain's movements before he could crash into a building.

She kicks the villain away and she holds her hand up, using her weapon creation to make a staff. She twirls the staff in her hands and the villain charges again. She places the end of the staff on the ground and kicks the villain away as she turns her body. The villain is knocked away and [Name] stands there, her wings out as she narrows her eyes at the villain.

"Dude, just give up," [Name] said, shaking her head. "You're not going to win."

The villain glares at her. "I'm going to win."

[Name] takes flight, flying towards him and she knocks the villain down, his body hitting the floor. He goes to get up, but [Name]'s fist connects with his head and he's knocked out cold. She stands on his body, her weapon disappearing in a golden glow and she lets out a deep sigh.

She looks over her shoulder, a few police cars there with a few police officers out. The villain's body underneath her starts to shrink until there's a human body underneath [Name] and she steps away from him, going to the police.

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