Hosu City

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The first thing that [Name] registers is the warm she feels around her. The next thing that she discovers is a rising and falling chest below her and finally she could feel arms around her tighten. [Name] lifts her head, her eyes widening at the sight of a sleeping Hawks's face near hers. She blushed, seeing how peaceful Hawks looks while asleep and she's literally lying on his chest. His arms are around her and her legs are in between his. His vermillion wings spread out with one resting against the couch and the other half on the floor.

[Name] tries to move, only space she can put her hands is on his chest and she blushed harder at the feeling of his chest. She doesn't want to wake the man, knowing he's busy with his hero duties and seeing him like this is making her heart beat in her chest wildly. A quiet gasp escapes [Name]'s lips at the feeling of his hands firmly squeezing her waist. She purses her lips and she placed her hand on his chest.

"Hawks!" [Name] hissed, smacking his chest lightly. She continues to call out his name and smacking his chest until a groan escapes his lips. "Hawks!"

Hawks lets out a groan, removing one arm from [Name] as he lifts that arm to rub his eyes and he sits forward. [Name] falls in between his legs as he has one arm wrapped around her waist and holding her close to his chest. That blush is burning [Name]'s whole face, scowling up at Hawks as he's waking up. He removes his hand from his eyes after running them and covers his mouth as a yawn escapes his lips.

Hawks smirks down at [Name]. "Morning, Mercy."

"Morning to you too, but I need to get up," [Name] stated.

After those words left her mouth, Hawks has both arms around the young woman and hugging her closer to him. He lets out a whine, bringing his face past below her own and he rests the side of his head on her chest

[Name]'s whole body is now burning. The feeling of Hawks's head rest against her chest and his locks of hair tickling her neck. Her whole body is frozen, her hands in the air as she doesn't know what to do. While [Name] is secretly enjoying this deep down, but she's mostly unsure what to do and embarrassed, Hawks has a carefree smile on his face as he holds the young woman with his face on her chest.

"But you're so warm, [Last Name]!" Hawks whined, glancing up at her from the side of his eye. "And soft, too."

[Name] grits her teeth, using her strength and she flaps her wings, lifting herself and Hawks since he's clinging to her off the couch. She maneuvers Hawks's arms from around her body and she grabs them. Instead of landing on the couch, Hawks's back touches the wooden floors with [Name] above him and holding his wrists together with both her hands.

Hawks looks at her with a surprised look, not expecting the woman to do that. [Name] is somewhat straddling him as she has both legs on his sides, but she's resting on one knee as she holds Hawks's wrists to his chest and her wings are somewhat flared out. Hawks is taken back for sure, a blush developing on his cheeks because of the sight above him and [Name] is wearing one of his hoodies with his boxers that doesn't fit him, too. He finds it kinda hot.

"Hawks," [Name] said.

Hawks chuckles nervously. He hopes that she removes herself from him before he embarrasses himself. "Y-Yes?"

"If you do this again, I will punch you in the face," [Name] stated.

Hawks nods his head rapidly, and [Name] stands up, letting out a sigh. Hawks lets out a sigh himself, not wanting to be put in an embarrassing situation if down below were to appear. He sits forward when [Name] walks over to her pile of folded clothes she put on the single couch piece. She grabs them and Hawks is still on the floor when he meets her eyes.

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