Wild Wild Pussycats

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"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation," Aizawa started, narrowing his eyes. [Name] stands beside him as they look at the students. "However... Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-- for "Plus Ultra"!"

[Name], Aizawa, and the students are waiting for the bus to arrive so they could head out for the training camp. Aizawa told [Name] that the location was changed for protection reasons. [Name] didn't see a problem with it if it's to protect the students and not have their location known.

"Yes, sir!"

Aizawa turns towards [Name]. "When we get to the location, Mandalay and Pixie-Bob will be taking over and the students will do their little challenge. Do you know how to cook, [Last Name]?"

"Yes, I do," [Name] laughed, a smile growing on her lips.

"Well, if you want to help cook with the Wild, Wild Pussycats, you may," Aizawa said, [Name] nods her head. He glanced at her, putting his hands in his pockets. "Aren't you in a good mood."

[Name] blushed, looking away. She was able to say goodbye to Hawks and he had flown her home for her to get ready then flew her to U.A.. Hawks even let [Name] borrow a pair of headphones and a visor so her ears nor eyes would get damaged when he flew at high speeds. He even let [Name] keep the extra pair of headphones too and they're the same as the ones he wears for his hero costume.

Aizawa knows what's up.

The bus arrives and [Name] lets out a sigh of relief.

"We're getting on the bus!" Aizawa informed.

"Class A's bus is this way!" Iida shouted, catching the class's attention. The boy's arms moving everywhere. "Line up in seat order!"


[Name] sits next to Aizawa on the bus, sitting near the front while the rest of the students are in the back. [Name] had to keep her wings close to her so they wouldn't hit Aizawa and she wouldn't want to see the man angry when he already looks tired. She has the window seat though, so she can just look out the window and listen to music from the headphones that Hawks had given her.

"Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour," Aizawa informed, he looks around his seat. "After that--"

"Let's play some music!" Kaminari shouted.

[Name] glanced over her shoulder, hearing the students talking to themselves. Kaminari and Kirishima are looking at Kirishima's phone while Iida is standing up and Midoriya is looking at the boy with wide eyes. Yaoyorozo, Jirou, Shoji, and Koda are looking at Iida as he stands up and moves his arms around. Sato and Mineta are talking to each other. Hagakure and Ashido talk while Asui and Uraraka are having a conversation. Todoroki and Tokoyami and Bakugo are quiet while Aoyama is standing up and posing.

"Aizawa, I think we should just leave them," [Name] said, letting out a laugh. "They're gonna be busy with the training camp anyways."

Aizawa nods his head. "True. This is the only time they'll be able to play around." Aizawa turns his attention to [Name], seeing the headphones around her neck. "Are those Hawks?"

"Yeah," [Name] confessed, letting out a nervous giggle. "He let me borrow them."

Aizawa nods his head then goes to watching the road. [Name] is quiet, her blush disappearing as she looks out the window once more. She hasn't been around this area so seeing the nature around them makes her excited about the training camp although, she's not gonna be doing any training at all.

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