Hot Springs Part Three

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smut below

[Name] gives Hawks a tight smile, the man just returning from leaving to somewhere. She isn't sure where he went, but he told her that he had to go do something regarding hero work. She didn't mind, he left a couple minutes after she had told him the situation with the villain. She believed that he actually had something to do and it probably gave him time to think about what she told him. [Name] had time to think to herself, too.

She didn't tell him the villain's name because she doesn't know his name nor his appearance. It's already bad enough that she told Hawks what happened. She doesn't want to endanger him, herself, friends or even her family. She doesn't want anything to happen to them so she'll decide to keep quiet about the villain's physical appearance. If she does bump into the villain or one of the League Villain's, she'll demand for his name no matter what.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, watching Hawks shrug off his tan jacket.

He lets out a deep sigh. "Yeah. I'm going to go take a bath."

"Okay," [Name] mumbled.

It feels a bit tense between her and Hawks. Although she told him about the villain and she's aware that he knows that she didn't consent to it, she still feels unsettled. She knows it had angered him, but he's a silent anger type of person. Or rather, that's what she's seen from his reaction so far. He did seem angry when it came to the villain touching her and when she mentioned the villain putting her family in danger.

If it was reversed with a villain obsessed with Hawks, [Name] would be angry as well. She'd probably lose her shit until she calms down and try to help Hawks, but in this case, [Name] has to worry about herself and the people she loves. The villain's Quirk is fire, fire is something that shouldn't be played with and it's the type of Quirk that could easily kill. She'll try to work on her own investigation when finding out more of this villain, but she'd have to first find out where their hideout is.

[Name]'s phone buzzed, the buzzing coming from the dresser in the room and she pushed herself out of the futon. She picks up her phone, her eyes slightly widening from the message she received from Sir Nighteye. She lifted her head when she heard Hawks call for her and she placed her phone back down, deciding to message Sir Nighteye when she gets home since tonight is her and Hawks's last night at the Inn.

She walks into the bathroom, "Something wrong, Keigo?"

"No," Hawks answered.

[Name] did her best not to look into the bathtub, keeping her eyes glued to his face and she sits down beside the tub. Hawks leans his head against the side of the bathtub, taking a hand out the water and he holds it out for her. [Name]'s eyes the hand.

"Don't drag me in, please," [Name] begged, intertwining her dry hand with Hawks's wet hand.

He shook his head, "Not this time."

Silence fills the bathroom, Hawks holding [Name]'s hand as his eyes are glued to the wall in front of him. [Name] stares at the tilted floor beneath her, feeling the water run down her wrist from holding his wet hand and she doesn't bother to wipe the water away. [Name] doesn't mind the silence, lifting her eyes to gaze at Hawks.

His golden eyes are focused on the wall in front of him, his lips slightly pulled in a thin line. His eyes are somewhat hooded as [Name] can see his chest rise and fall with steady breaths. He hasn't sunk his head under the water, his locks still dry and [Name] wouldn't mind washing his hair if he doesn't feel like it. Not because his hair smells, but she'd enjoy washing his hair and give him a message on his scalp. Her eyes don't stray further down Hawks's body and she's doing the best she can to keep her gaze at his chest and up.

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