Unexpected Meeting

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"Good work everyone!" All Might's praised. Him, [Name], and the rest of the students except for Midoriya standing near the exit of Ground Beta. "We didn't have any major injuries other than Young Midoriya, either! You guys took this seriously! You all did a really good job for your first training!"

Asui raises her hand. "To have such a proper class after Mr. Aizawa's class... it's kind of anticlimactic..."

At Asui's words, the class nods their heads in agreement. [Name] chuckles, her hands behind her back.

All Might throws out his arms. "We're free to have proper classes, as well!" He holds up his hand, turning to his side. "Well then, I must review the results with Young Midoriya! Change and return... to the classroom!"

All Might takes off running, disappearing within a blink of an eye while [Name] is left there stunned with the rest of the students. She was going to offer that she goes to Midoriya and review the results, but All Might is already gone. Perhaps that's his favorite student. Or he wants to see Midoriya do well.

"All Might's amazing!" Kaminari voiced.

Ojiro looks to [Name]. "Why is he in such a hurry?"

"I'm not sure," [Name] answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"So cool..." Mineta mumbled.

[Name] looks over at Bakugo, seeing the blonde have his head down. Just from today and the day before, she could tell that he's prideful and confident in himself and his abilities. Just seeing him be quiet and realize his defeat is something that's he's probably taking to heart. Perhaps she should talk to him after class.

Or presumably right now since there's students that are heading to the changing rooms. [Name] places a hand on Bakugo's shoulder when he passes by her and a few students look at the interaction between the two of them. She looks at the lingering students.

"You guys hurry to change and get to class," [Name] said, smiling sweetly at the students. Bakugo has his head down still. "Bakugo, I just want to talk with you for a little bit and if you're late to class, I'll have Aizawa excuse it."

Bakugo doesn't say anything and he pushes [Name]'s hand off his shoulder. [Name] crosses her arms and when all the students leave, she realizes that Bakugo has a blank look on his face and he doesn't bother to look at her. She lets out a sigh, looking up at the blue sky and the few white clouds in the sky. She looks to Bakugo, the blonde looking ahead.

[Name] starts. "Hey Bakugo, you were amazing out there, you know and I'm being serious, plus I'm sure you know that you're good too. However, I'm sure if you focus solely on yourself, you won't see how amazing everyone else is around you too." She lets out a chuckle, seeing the blonde narrow his eyes at her. "You don't always improve when win, but you improve more when you learn from mistakes and losses. You got the talent, Bakugo."

Bakugo clicks his teeth, looking away from [Name]. She laughs and then she lets out a sigh of content. She stretches her arms above her head and stretches her wings out too, hearing a satisfying pop in her back and she drops her wings. She looks to Bakugo and smiles widely at him.

"Besides, I'm sure you'll win against Midoriya soon!" [Name] suggested.

Bakugo looks at the teacher assistant in question. Is she trying to comfort him? She hasn't said anything that would make it seem like she's looking down on him. She gave him advice and complimented his abilities. Although he still feels the pain of his pride being hurt, hearing her words made him feel a little bit better. He won't admit that out loud.

Bakugo scoffs, looking away. "I'm leaving!"

"I'll see you in class, Bakugo!" [Name] said.

She watches Bakugo walk away and she smiles. She hopes that she was able to lift Bakugo's spirits and make the boy feel better about the loss with Midoriya. Although the fight between Midoriya and Bakugo was a very destructive and violent fight that [Name] realizes that Bakugo goes all out when he fights.

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