Good Or Bad Man?

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[Name] and Hawks lay in her bedroom, the two young heroes in their birthday suits as they hold each other. Hawks having his arm around [Name] as she lays on her side and her hand is on his chest, feeling his heart beat underneath her palm. He stares up at the ceiling, knowing it's probably around 4 in the morning, almost 5 soon. He lets out a deep breath, pressing a kiss to the top of [Name]'s head.

"We forgot to close the curtains," [Name] said, feeling Hawks drag his fingertips over her arm.

Hawks smiles, "It's alright. Doubt anyone would look through it." Hawks smirked, grabbing her ear and she lets out a giggle as he tugs it. "Besides, if someone did look, then they got a free show."

"You're disgusting," [Name] joked, pushing herself to sit up.

Hawks still laid down, one hand behind his head and he looks at [Name]. It's still dark in her room, but he could see the outline of her body and feel her eyes on him. Hawks reached out with his other hand that was originally around her and he grabbed her hand, the woman holding his hand with both of hers and she rubs them with her thumbs.

"Something's bothering you," Hawks stated, [Name] staring at their hands. "What's the matter?"

[Name] looked at Hawks, the tears swelling in her eyes. "I was just thinking about my brother and mother. I don't know what to do and I can't protect them if I'm at U.A. or your place. What if something happens to them while I'm gone?"

"Are you going to stay by them 24/7?" Hawks questioned, moving to lay on his side and use his elbow to put most of his weight on. He stares up at [Name], seeing the tears roll down her cheeks. "You have a life to live, [Name]. You have their number if anything were to happen and if you want to be even more cautious, buy some camera and install some."

"But those flames, Keigo," [Name] cried, shaking her head. She lifted a hand to wipe her tears. "Those flames are the same back at the Training Camp. One of the members from the League did this to my family."

Hawks reached up, placing a hand on her cheek, "Do you know their name or possibly what they look like?"

[Name]'s body shudders at the memory of what happened to her in the alley. That bastard had touched her and even sent flowers to her, too. He has this strange obsession with her or possibly a strong attraction with her. She's not sure which one it is, but he's the one who burnt down her family's house. She couldn't believe he'd go that far to do that.

"He has like scarred burnt skin stabled to his face," [Name] explained, feeling Hawks's thumb caress her cheek. "Black hair and turquoise eyes kinda like Endeavor's, you know."

Hawks laughed, a smile spreading on his lips. "How do you know that?"

"Because I've seen Endeavor's eyes and this guy's eyes, too," [Name] said, rolling her eyes playfully.

She twisted her body, going to the nightstand on her side and grabbing her phone. She turned it on, the bright light making her squint her eyes and Hawks goes behind her, his hands on either side of her body while her wings are limp on the bed. Hawks trails kisses from her neck, kissing down slowly as [Name] checks the time and a shiver goes down her back.

Hawks chuckled, continuing to kiss down her sensitive back. His chest resting on her lower body and [Name] reads the time that it's 5 in the morning exactly. She sees a few messages from Aizawa, Midnight, and All Might. She'll message them back when she doesn't have someone trying to arouse her.

"Sunshine," [Name] moaned, looking over her shoulder.

Hawks looks up as he meets her gaze, his lips pressing in the middle of her back. [Name] narrows her eyes at him slightly, seeing the man smile at her as he's kissing her back. She opened her wings, flapping them a few times and Hawks rolled off of [Name], lying on his back.

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