Chapter 11

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I slowly opened my eyes to see Daisuke still lying on top of me with his face in my neck. "Um, hello?" I said. He groaned and looked at me. "Oh, Vivi," he said and patted my head. I looked out the window to see it was dark. "Is dinner ready?" he asked. "How should I know?" I asked. Then we heard HEUSC say, "Dinner is ready." "There's our sign," said Daisuke and got off of me.

"Won't people be wondering why am I here? Do they know that we're dating?" I asked as we went down the stairs to the dining room. "Vivi-san, you're staying over for dinner?" Suzue asked. "I guess so," I said and sat down. Daisuke sat next to me and held my hand underneath the table. "Daisuke-san, remember to not always invite Vivi-san over. She has her things going on too," said Kikuko.

"I guess none of them know that we're together," I thought as Daisuke answered, "Yes." After we finished eating, Daisuke and I were the first ones to leave. Making sure that no one was watching, he picked me up and carried me back to our room.


I heard my earring beeping the next morning and I mumbled, "HEUSC, turn off alarm please..." "Understood." And the beeping stopped. I opened one eye to see Daisuke sleeping with his arms around me. The door opened and Suzue said, "Daisuke-sama, it's time to wake-" She stopped when she saw me in bed with the man. "Up..." she finished. "Um, hi?" I said.

"Vivi-san, I thought you went home already," she said. "Uh, I'm living here now," I told her. "What?" Daisuke snored and his grip on me tightened. "Vivi..." he murmured. "Wait, what about your apartment?" Suzue asked. "The man sold it," I answered. "He what???" "Also, we're dating," I added. Daisuke woke up and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I'll tell grandma about it..." he said.

"What is going on?" said Suzue. "I told you this was a bad idea," I told Daisuke.


"So, when did you two start dating?" Kikuko asked as we sat at the table again. "Yesterday," I answered. I was feeling pretty bad right now because I could tell that Daisuke was going to take the criticism from his grandmother again. "Daisuke-san, what do you like about Vivi-san?" she asked him. Daisuke slowly looked at me and said, "Vivi's... cute."

I immediately turned red. "Is that all?" Kikuko asked. "I love her personality and smile," he added and I was a blushing mess. "Vivi-san." "Y-Yes?" "What do you like about my grandson?" I gave her an honest answer, "I like him because of who is he." Daisuke's eyes widened and he looked at me.

"I'm guessing most women like him because of his looks, or maybe his status. But that's not the case for me," I said. "Now that is the answer I was looking for," said Kikuko and smiled. "You have my permission to date my grandson." "Th-Thank you so much!" I said. Daisuke stared at me in complete shock. "Eat your breakfast," I told him.

"Daisuke-san, what about her apartment?" Kikuko asked and we both sweated. "Uh..." we said.


"You were right," said Daisuke when we went back to our room. "About what?" I asked. "That most people like me because of my looks or money." I went over to the drawer to grab some clothes and asked, "So, am I your first girlfriend?" Daisuke said nothing. "Yikes. How many did he date?" I thought. "I-It's okay, you don't have to tell me," I said and smiled.

He came up behind and wrapped his arms around me. "I've fallen in love with you all over again," he said and gently kissed my neck. I turned pink and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'll always love you, Daisuke-kun, remember that," I said. He turned me around and kissed me passionately. "I will," he said.


We were back at the supermarket where we went with Haru last time when HEUSC updated us on our food supply. Daisuke followed me around like a cute little puppy while I picked out fruits and vegetables. "Now I need ground pork, fresh noodles, sweet bean paste. and dried tofu..." I said. "Are you making something?" Daisuke asked. "Probably for dinner, yeah," I said.

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