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What is wrong with this man? Is he mad? We know nothing about each other. We have met for the first time in life. I know his name now after reading this article about him in magazine, and I bet he doesn't even know my name. And then he expects me to be his girlfriend. Wait. Expects me to be his fake girlfriend.

Is he kidding me? Is today 1st april? Am I being of target of some april fool prank?

What the hell am I thinking? This is not the april month to play the april fool prank!

Then when does this strange man sitting next to me wants me to be his fake girlfriend?

I was brought back to reality by the strange man as he was waving his hand in front of my face,
"What happened? Where were you lost? Did you hear me? I want you to be my fake girlfriend!" He told me.

"Stop the car!" I told him.

"What?" He asked.

"I said stop the car and please let me go!" I requested him.

Maybe, requesting and saying him a 'please' will work.

"Neither I will stop the car, nor I will let you go," he stated, turning his head forwards, looking at the road.

"Are you crazy? What is wrong with you? I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. And still you want me to pretend as your fake girlfriend!" I told him,
"Look, don't test my patience more. You have already tested it enough. Now tell your driver to stop the car and let me go." I said.

But there was no reply from his side. He took his phone out and started doing something with it.

What? Didn't he hear what I said?

"Oh hello, did you hear what I said?" I asked him.

"Yes, I heard what you said. But I didn't hear what I want you to say. Till you don't say what I want you to say, you are not allowed to leave this car," he replied.

Now what he wants me to say?

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him.

Suddenly he turned towards me and started coming near me. I started going backwards to keep a safe distance between us. But finally my back touched the car door and there was no space behind me where I could go and be away from this strange man.

He bent towards me, brought his face closer to me, our lips only a few inches away from each other.

What is he doing?

I placed my hand on his chest and stopped him from bending more forwards towards me.

"What do you think you are doing? And what do you want me to say?" I asked him again, hoping to get a reply this time.

"Those three magical words, my fairy," he told me.

Which magical words is he talking about? Is he talking about those magical words which lovers say to each other.

No I am definitely not going to tell him 'I Love You'. I shook my head in disbelief.
"Which three words?" I asked him.

He raised his hand immediately. Is he going to slap me?
I closed my eyes, but then I felt something soft caressing my cheek.

I opened my eyes to see his hand caressing my cheek. His touch was stimulating different feelings in my body. Sparks of current were passing down my spine. My stomach was like I am on a roller-coaster ride.

What is happening to me?

"Those three words, which are the most beautiful words in this world, my fairy," he told me, still caressing my cheek with his hand.

My mouth became dry and I was not able to speak a word.
What is wrong with me? I have never been like this before. Then why now?

I somehow opened my mouth and finally asked him,
"Can you please be more specific?" I asked.
"I want you to say...," he told me and stopped again.

Now please someone tell him to end this suspense,
"Say what?" I asked him.

"I want you to say that 'I Am Ready', that's it my fairy," he told me and suddenly went away from me, laughing loudly like a mad man.

What the hell? He was joking with me? This idiot!
I went close to him and started shouting 'aaaaa' loudly in his ear.
Let him become deaf now.

He closed his ears with his hands,
"Stop it, you little kitten," he shouted, but I didn't stop.

I kept shouting in his ear and will keep doing that until he orders to stop the car.

I know I was being like a child, but he had left no other option with me.

Suddenly he turned towards me, held my both wrists in his hands, pinned my both hands above my head and kissed me!

Damn what? He kissed me.

His kiss was soft and light. It felt amazing and soothing.

What am I doing? Describing how his kiss was, instead of stopping him. What is wrong with me?

I kicked him lightly on his balls making him leave my hands and jerk away from me.

Don't worry. I didn't kick him that hard so as to make him unable to produce babies in his near future. Just a light kick to make him go away from me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you kiss me? Oh scratch it, how dare you kiss me?" I asked him.
"You were not stopping and kept shouting. So the best way to stop you was to kiss you," he told me,
"By the way you are a doctor right?" He asked me.

"Yes, I am a doctor. Wait! How do you know?" I asked him.

"I know how I know. Right now I need medical care. Someone hit me hardly in my balls. Please check and tell me if I am still potential to produce babies in my future," he said and was about to open the chain of his jeans, when I closed my eyes with my hand,
"Don't you dare do that. I know I didn't kick you that hard so as to hurt you. Stop opening your chain." I told him.

A loud laugh made me to take my hands off my eyes and I opened my eyes to see him laughing loudly like a mad man.

What the hell? He and his stupid pranks! This man is now getting on my nerves.








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