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What the hell is wrong with this man? Why can't he just let me go? Why is he forcing me to stay here in Spain with him?

I paced around in my room, thinking of what i should do now? He had brought me back to my room and gave me half an hour to decide what I really wanted to do. Oh come on! Don't think that is sweet and understanding. He actually is cocky and arrogant. He clearly stated that whatever my reply maybe, but in the end he will only win. Oh he is an arrogant jerk!
I rolled my eyes at his arrogant nature. All my plans went in vain. No matter how much hard I try to run away, but in the end, I end up with him forcefully carrying me in his arms to my room.

Should I agree with this man? Shoould I agree to stay with him in Spain? Well, he had given me an option though to quit and return back to my home if I don't like staying with him after atleast two days. But why is he doing all this? He has a girlfriend to take care of back in New York. Then why is he wasting his time on me?

Does he like me?

What the hell are you thinking Sophia? Stop hallucinating! He loves his girlfriend a lot to even pay any attention to you. I guess he is doing all these things for me just to repent for what happened yesterday! After all the mistake was of his brother-in-law!

Whatever! But what am I supposed to do now? Should I agree with him?

Do you have any other option Sophia? You have no other choice than agreeing with him.

Suddenly the door opened with a blast, making me jump in my place in fear.

And there he was! The devil himself! Smirking at me like an idiot!

"So what have you decided, Dr. Sophia? Do you accept the proposal or want me to force you to accept it?" He said, grinning at me like a devil.

But he looked handsome though, with his amazing grin plastered on his beautiful face! God, whom am I fooling? He is hot and sexy like some Greek God!

Wait! What the hell? Did I just say that he is hot and sexy?

"Oh come on Sohpia! I know I am hot and sexy, but you can't keep shamelessly ogling at me like this, when I am here to ask you something important." He told me.

I rolled my eyes at his arrogant and cocky behaviour.

"I was not ogling at you, Mr. Christian Wright. I am not interested in you! And above all you have a girlfriend to take care of!" I lied to him.

Suddenly he just came close to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulled me closer to him, making me collide with his hard muscular chest. My hands were not resting on his chest. My breathing became heavy. My mind was in a fuss again. My body started shivering merely at his touch. The pictures of the kiss, we just shared about half an hour ago, started flashing in my mind. The room suddenly started heating up and I am damn sure my cheeks were then red like a tomato.

He brought his mouth closer to my ear, making his hot breath touch my earlobe. The current passed down my spine,
"So you mean to say that if didn't have a girlfriend, then you might have ogled at me shamelessly?" He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine and making my back arch, causing my body to push more into him. My breasts were pressed hardly against his hard chest. My body was craving for his touch. I couldn't comprehend properly what he was trying to say.

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