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"Let's go to my club in Spain," Chris suggested me.

After eating our breakfast, which Chris had made for us, and let me tell you, he is an amazing cook, we went to see the Flamenco Show. It was just amazing and I enjoyed it a lot. Well, actually what I enjoyed more was Chris's company. I just love being with this man. For the whole time, he never let go of my hand and held it firmly in his hand. I think seeing us walking hand-in-hand, people definitely thought we were a couple. An old lady actually came towards us and blessed us to always stay happy and loyal to each other as husband and wife. I was about to correct her and tell her that we are not married, but Chris decided to cut me off and like a gentleman he is, thanked the lady for her blessings, and even told her that he will always keep me happy and will never allow anyone to hurt me or mess with me. Well, I am already having a hard time resisting my feelings for him, and here he is, making it more difficult for me to not to love him. Why does he have to be so good with me? Can't he just stay away from me? I know in the end, he will return to Kylie and leave me heartbroken.

"Are you listening to me, baby girl?" Chris asked me, bringing me out of my deep thoughts.

Well, after the Flamenco Show, we decided to have our lunch in one of the most popular restaurants in Spain. Well actually he decided and I just had no other option rather than agreeing with him. We ordered different dishes, but Chris being Chris, always tried to steal my food, for teasing and irritating me. Not that I mind it though. In fact, if he will ask me, then I will happily feed him all my food, irrespective of whether I was hungry or not. Yes! This man has so much effect on me. He has already made me go crazy for him. And I enjoyed and loved being crazy for him.

"Are you listening baby girl?" He asked me again.

"Oh yes. I am. And how many times do I have to tell you that I am not a baby girl?" I asked him, playfully narrowing my eyes at him.

"Oh yes, you are baby girl, my baby girl. Now drop that and answer me. Will you like to go to my club in Spain?" He asked me.

Does he really mean what he said? Does he really mean that I am 'his' baby girl?

"Oh sure! Why not?" I replied.

"Fine, then after having this lunch, we will take some rest at my home and then we will leave for club at sharp 8 pm. Alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Alright," I replied.

And we did as he said. After spending almost half an hour in the restaurant, we finally reached his home and I took a nap in my room, while he decided to complete some of his work in his study room.

After waking up at about 6 pm, I decided to prepare some Indian snacks for both of us. So I immediately went into the kitchen, prepared some snacks and placing them carefully in the tray, took them to his study room. I opened the door with my foot without making any noise and looked around to find him sleeping on the chair, while all his papers were scattered on his desk. I quietly placed the tray on the bed and shook him lightly after rearranging the papers on his desk. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me to realise that he had fallen asleep while working,
"Oh I am sorry. I might have fallen asleep," he told me, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. Such a baby he is! I silently laughed at his action.

"No problem. You were tired and needed some rest. Now, go freshen up, as I have prepared some Indian snacks for both of us." I told him, carrying the tray from the bed and placing it on his desk. I took a chair besides him and sat on it, watching him go into the bathroom. After a few minutes he finally returned and sat besides me in his prior position.

LOVE ON A TOUR (LOAT) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now