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"Are you sure we have to do this?" I asked Chris for the hundredth time now.

After Chris proposed me yesterday, we both returned back to new york today morning, to meet his parents. Well, you must be thinking why do I need to meet his parents so soon? Because my darling boyfriend here, doesn't want to wait any more and wants us to get married within next 6 weeks. According to him, he had almost lost me one time and he doesn't want that to happen again. He can't afford to lose me, not now, not ever. Well, his words, not mine.

Don't think that I didn't try to convince him that this all is happening too soon, because trust me I did, but being the stubborn man he is, he is not ready to listen to my even one word regarding this matter. He is adamant to his decision of getting us married within 6 weeks. So finally giving in, I decided to agree with his plans. He wants us to get married in the western style. Being a Christian by religion, my family too has the tradition of getting married in the church. But as I have been born and grown up in India, I have a fascination of marriages in the Indian style. I told Chris about this and he immediately decided that we will get married in both ways, one time in the church, in the western way and second time in the Indian way. Well, you can't just imagine how excited I am after hearing this! I always had an obsession of Indian weddings. Now I am going to get married in the same way. Isn't this amazing? Well, it is!

But coming back to present. After reaching to new york, we took some rest and then got ready to visit Chris's parents. So here we are, standing in front of the huge mansion of his parents. Well, I am damn nervous now. My hands are shaking because of fear. What if they don't like me or they don't find me perfect for their son? What if they reject me? What if....

I was brought back to reality by Chris tightly squeezing my hand with his hand, silently assuring me that everything will be alright. He intertwined our fingers and pulled me inside the mansion. We knocked on the door and a short lady, maybe in her late forties opened the door for us. She gave us a huge and warm smile. She was pretty in her own way. She was wearing the uniform, so I guess she works here as a helper or a maid. We greeted her and she informed us to go in the living room, where Chris's parents were waiting for us.

When we reached in the living room, a woman, maybe in her early fifties, immediately came towards us and engulfed Chris in a tight hug. Chris left my hand and hugged her back with the same warmth.

"Chris my boy, I missed you so much. How can you just go to Spain without even informing me?" The lady told Chris and then turned towards me,
"And who is this pretty girl standing here?" The lady asked.

"Mom, this is Sophia. Sophia, this is my mom, Ashley Wright," Chris introduced us and she immediately engulfed me in a tight hug,
"My, my. You are the first girl my stupid son has ever introduced us to," she told me.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Wright," I told and hugged her back. I already like her as she is not arrogant like the other rich people. In fact she is nice and humble.

Someone cleared their throat from behind her and she immediately left me to look at the person,
"Chris, won't you introduce your father to this lovely lady standing here?" The man, maybe in his late fifties, told and hugged Chris.

"Dad. I missed you so much." Chris told him and then leaving him, he turned towards me,
"And dad, this is Sophia here. Sophia this is my dad, Mark Wright," Chris introduced us.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Wright," I told him and extended my hand for him to shake. He gladly shook my hand and replied,
"The pleasure is all mine, pretty girl," he told me.

After greetings, we all finally settled ourselves on the couch, sitting in silence for a few minutes, before Chris decided to finally drop the bomb. He held my hand, intertwining our fingers with each other,

"Mom, Dad. Umm.. Actually I and Sophia are in a relationship and we are planning on getting married after 6 weeks. As Sophia is Indian by birth, we are planning our wedding in two ways, one western style and other Indian style," Chris told his parents and waited to see their reaction.

Well, looking at their faces, I could surely say that they were beyond shocked. Their eyes were wide opened, almost popping out of their socket. Their mouths were opened, their jaws almost hitting the ground. Well who wouldn't be shocked to hear that a playboy is finally going to married and settled down in his life? Well, girls just back off. Because Christian Wright is taken! What have I ever done to get so lucky to get this man in my life?

"Mom, Dad. Please say something," Chris told his parents.

As if they finally realized that we were still present in the room, Mrs. Wright immediately jumped from her seat and engulfed me in a tight hug, making me leave Chris's hand and stand up too from my place,
"Oh honey. I am so happy for both of you. My stupid son finally found the girl for him. Or may I say the most beautiful girl for him. I am so excited for your wedding. Congratulations to both of you." she said and finally left me, allowing me to take some breath. Well, seriously her hug was too tight for my liking. But still I have already started liking her.

"Thank you Mrs. Wright," I replied, smiling widely at her. Well, these past few days, I have definitely started smiling like a maniac. Even my cheeks hurt due to smiling widely. But who cares, I am so happy that I can't hide it from the world anymore.

"Oh honey. Stop calling me Mrs. Wright. Its Mom for you now." She said, patting my back, like giving me assurance to go with the name.

"Okay, Mrs... Umm. Sorry Mom," I replied.

"And its Dad for you now," Mr. Wright or should I say, my future father-in-law interrupted in between, while standing up too from his place,
"And congratulations to both of you. I know it must have been a tough job to tame my stubborn playboy son," Mr. Wright told me, giving me a brief hug, to which I chuckled in return whereas Chris groaned in frustration.

"Well, indeed it was, Dad," I told Mr. Wright and his face immediately lit up like a bulb. Well I guess he liked me calling him Dad already!

"Okay, now if you are done talking about me, I would like to inform you that we are leaving for India tomorrow in my private jet. We have to talk to Sophia's parents too." Chris told them and we all settled back on the couch, briefly planning about the wedding, before having our dinner with Mom and Dad.

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