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"Oh my God! It's too cold here Chris," I said, rubbing my hands with each other in order to produce some heat from my body. Though we were covered with thick jackets, it still felt cold there.

We were in the Icebarcelona, the only ice bar in the world constructed on a beach, and nestled on the El Somorrostro beach. And let me tell you that the temperature inside was between -2 degree Celsius and -10 degree Celsius. My body was shivering with cold. Looking at me, Chris immediately came closer to me and wrapping his arm around my waist, pulled me closer to him.

"How are you feeling now, baby girl? Warm?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows at me

"Yeah, a bit warm," I replied.

And without waiting for even one second, he pulled me more closer to him, that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. Well, his touch was more dangerous that the cold. Everytime he touches me, I feel sparks rising all around me, as if someone is firing crackers on Diwali. Well, how I would love to celebrate all the festivals with this man for my entire life!

What? What did I just say? For my entire life?
'Hello, my stupid brain. From where do you get such stupid thoughts?' I asked my brain, but it didn't seem to take me seriously though.

God! This man is making me crazy! I have started feeling things that I have never felt before. I love passing my time with him, talking about random things and arguing with him for stupid reasons. Every moment spent with him is memorable and beautiful. Whenever he cuddles me in his arms, I feel like staying there for my entire life. I feel like that is the real place, where I belong.

I know whatever I am feeling is wrong. He already has a girlfriend and I will never want him to cheat her because of me. I am afraid of relationships because of heartbreak, so I will never want him to break Kylie's heart. I don't want to come in between them. But tell me, how can I resist him, when he is all cute and gentleman with me? He never does anything to hurt me and always tries to protect me. He takes care of me, just like my family and friends do. I know, I should stop this, as in the end, it will be me, who will suffer from a heartbreak. But everytime, he is near me, all my sane thoughts go out of my brain.

"Take a sip, baby girl. You will feel warm," Chris told me, offering me a glass of wine.

"Thank you. But I don't drink," I replied.

"May I know why? Don't you want to try it even for once?" Chris asked me, curiously.

"Well, I may try it. But only when I am with someone, who could take care of me when I am in a drunken state," I told him.

"Well, then today is the day, baby girl. As I am always there to take care of you. You can sip it without thinking twice." He told me, offering me the glass once again.

Well, should I trust him? Scratch that, I already trust him like I trust my family and my friends. I know he will protect me and never take advantage of my drunken state. So, I guess, this trip is a chance for me to try many new things.

I immediately took the glass from his hand and started sipping the liquid in it. At first, I felt like vomiting, but then I felt my body getting slowly adjusted to it. In just few minutes, I completed the whole glass and asked Chris for more, but he denied to give me more.



I looked down at my baby girl, to see her pouting at me like a child and asking me for more wine. Oh how I wish I can kiss that soft pink lips of her for my entire life. I denied her for more wine, as I knew that she will not be able to tolerate more as it was her first time drinking alcohol.

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