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I woke up to the rays of the sun falling on my face. My head was hurting badly. I tried hard, but was unable to open my eyes. I tried to move my hands, but couldn't move them freely. I tried hard, but it only caused me more pain in my wrists. After few futile attempts, I was finally able to open my eyes. I looked around to find myself being tied to a chair and also my legs and hands were also tied with a rope. What the hell? Where am I? It was a very old and dirty place, or more like a dirty room. There was dust present everywhere in the room. It looked like no one had cleaned it for months now. It looked like some abandoned place. How did I reach here? I asked myself and all the images of last night flashed in front of my eyes.


There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and looked in my phone to find it was still 2 am. Well, it's too late. Who can it be? What is wrong? Is someone in trouble? My mind kept asking me questions, but then I was brought back to reality by another knock on the door. I looked to my side to find Chris sleeping there peacefully, with his arms strongly wrapped around my waist. I quietly and slowly attempted to get out of his hold, without making any noise, as I didn't want to disturb him as he was already hurt and I don't want to worry him anymore. After succeeding in my task, I quietly went towards the door and opened it to find one of the watchmen standing there.

"Yes?" I asked him with confusion on my face.

"Ms. Sophia, I actually came to call the sir, as his mother is too worried for him and wants to talk to him right now. She told me that his phone was out of reach, so she is still on the line outside. Can you please wake him up?" He told me, well whispered to me, as I signaled him to keep his voice low.

"Well, I am sorry. But I can't wake him up right now. He was hurt yesterday and was in pain. Now he is sleeping peacefully and I don't want to disturb him in his sleep," I whispered back to him.

"But, his mother wants to talk to him right now. I can't deny Mrs. Wright for that or else she will fire me immediately." He told me. I could see the worry on his face.

"Don't worry. I will talk to her and explain her everything that happened yesterday. I know she will understand the situation." I told him and came out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. He nodded his agreement and started walking, with me quietly following him from behind.

We went to the main gate of the house, only to find another watchman, lying there unconsciously on the ground. We tried to wake him up but before I could think anything else, someone placed a handkerchief on my nose. I tried hard to escape from their hold, but they were way too strong for me. After few minutes, I started losing my consciousness and finally darkness engulfed me.

Flashback over

I groaned in pain, as my head was hurting badly. I could hear the sound of the heels clicking on the floor. With each passing moment, the sound became louder. It looked like someone or should I say my kidnapper, was coming towards me. My eyes were fixed on the door and finally after few seconds, the person came inside the room and stood in front of me.

What the hell? What is she doing here? Is she the one who kidnapped me? What is wrong with her? Why did she do that? Is she sick?

"I see. So you finally woke up, sweetheart," she told me, smirking at me like a devil.

"What do you think you are doing? Why the hell have you kidnapped me like this?" I asked her.

"Well, good afternoon to you too, bitch," she told me, rolling her eyes at me.

LOVE ON A TOUR (LOAT) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now