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I felt a throbbing pain in my head. My head was hurting like a bitch. Oh God! I just can't bear the pain. I opened my eyes only to close them again due to sudden brightness flashing in my eyes. I tried to slowly open them again and get used to them before fully opening them and observing my surroundings. I was in a room with white walls and white ceiling. The machines were beeping around me. The smell of sterilizers was hitting my nose. And I very well recognise such area. I am used to such area. This is nothing but a hospital. But what am I doing in a hospital?

I looked besides me to find someone tightly holding my hand and resting their head on our intertwined hands. I guess he is sleeping. I couldn't see his face. And so I started panicking. I started pulling my hand away from the person, which got him to wake up and look up at me. And there he was, the love of my life. My Chris. He looked pale and tired like he hasn't slept in a while. There were dark circles around his beautiful eyes. He had a rough stubble on his handsome face. Not that I am complaining though, because he looked even more sexy in that rough stubble. He was dress in his casual clothes, wearing a black jeans and white t-shirt. His cheeks were stained with dry tears, looking like he has cried the entire night. He looked miserable and I just wanted to kiss him and give him some comfort. But why is he like that? What happened to him?

"You are awake, baby girl. Don't move. I will call a doctor," he said, leaving my hand and running out of the room.

I tried to recall what happened to me and how I ended up in a hospital bed. And then all the memories came rushing to my mind. Yes, I was riding a car with Liam. And then we were hit by another car. And that is when everything turned dark and I lost consciousness.

Suddenly a doctor came and started checking me, taking my vitals, then checking my head and then checking my whole body. He started checking my reflexes and a frown appeared on his face.

"Dr. Sophia, do you remember what happened with you?" He asked me.

"Yes, I do. We were hit by a car and then everything went black." I told him and he just nodded his head in agreement. I looked up behind him to find Chris, with his eyes shining with unshed tears, like he was about to cry, but was somehow holding them from falling.

The doctor then turned towards Chris after thoroughly checking me from top to bottom,
"Alright. Mr. Wright. She is alright. But due to severe injury to her brain, she still has some problem with her brain function. Not to worry now, but make sure that she never ever hurts her head again or she might have severe consequences, even a memory loss," the doctor told Chris, patting his back and then left the room.

Just as the doctor stepped out of the room, Chris came towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, giggling like a little girl. He finally left me and sat on the bed besides me, taking my hand in his hand and holding it tightly,
"I am sorry," he said, while looking at the floor, like it was the most interesting thing at the moment.

But why the hell is he sorry? It was not his fault. It was just an accident.

"Why are you sorry? It was not your fault. It was just an accident. And look here I am as healthy as ever. You don't have to be sorry." I told him.

"It is my fault. You are in this state because of me. You don't know....," he started but I cut him off,
"Shit! I was supposed to return back to India today. My family would be worried about me. Please take me to India. My two weeks tour is over." I told him.

"What? What did you just say? You were supposed to return back to India today?" He asked me, totally confused.

Well, now he is confusing me too.

"What? Yes. Wasn't I supposed to return back to India today?" I asked him

"How many days do you think have passed since your accident, baby girl?" He asked me.

"One day. I was hit by thr car yesterday right?" I asked him back.

He just looked at me wide-eyed like he has just seen a ghost.

"What?" I said, frowning at him.

"Baby girl. It has been full one month since you were in coma." He stated and that moved the floor beneath me.

What the hell? I was in coma? And that too for one month? Shit! What has happened to me? Oh, that is the reason, doctor said that I still have some problem with my brain function. And I need to be careful not to hit my head again. Or else I may even have a memory loss. Shit! Shit! Shit!

"Don't worry. Don't stress yourself too much. Just concentrate on our wedding, which is in 2 weeks now," he said and then I remembered that yes we were about to get married in 6 weeks. 

I was about to speak something, when suddenly the door opened and three people entered the room. One was Chris's father and the other two... were my parents?

How did they come to New York?

My mom ran towards me and hugged me tightly, followed by my father and then Chris's father. My parents were crying, tears flowing from their eyes. Wait! Where is Chris's mom?

"You stupid girl. You scared the shit out of us. Don't you dare do such stunt again." My mother told me, while I was wiping her tears.

"Mom, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It just... it just happened. But now see I am sound and healthy, ain't I?" I asked her and she hugged me again.

When she finally left me, I turned towards Chris,
"By the way, where is your mom and my brothers?" I asked him.

He tensed a bit like I asked him his death wish,
"Your... your brothers are in India. They came here a week ago. But then they had to return back to their work. So they are in India at present." He said and I slightly nodded my head at him,
"And what about your mom?" I asked him and he tensed up again, but didn't say anything.

Now, he is scaring me. What the hell happened when I was in coma? Is she alright? Why isn't he answering my question easily?

"We will leave you guys alone. Have a talk and we will come back later." My father said and they were about to leave when I suddenly stopped them,
"Wait! Where are you guys staying? And how did you come to New York?" I asked them.

"Well, honey. We are staying at our son-in-law's house. And we came here in New York in his private jet. He is really a gentleman and a perfect partner for you. We are proud of your decision, my girl," my father said and before I could speak even a word, they left the room, leaving me and Chris alone.

"So?" I asked, but he just frowned at me.

"So?" He asked back.

"Don't act innocent Chris. Tell me what happened when I was in coma? And why are you getting tensed when I mention or ask about your mother?" I asked him.

And then what he told me, sucked the breath out of my lungs. Shit! This can't be true! I hugged him tightly, rubbing his back, but he continued crying in my arms.

LOVE ON A TOUR (LOAT) #wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now