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I looked around to find something that can help me to cut these ropes and get free from it. It has been almost 1 hour since Kylie has left me alone in this abandoned room. While I was busy looking around the room to find something sharp and pointed, the door suddenly opened with a loud thud and a tall and well built man entered the room. He looked like he was drunk. There was also a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He looked at me and then started inspecting the whole room, like he was making sure that there is nothing that can help me to escape from their trap. I looked behind me and noticed that there was table placed behind my chair, on which I was currently sitting. Then an idea immediately clicked in my mind. He was having a glass bottle in his hand and there was a table behind me. If he throws the bottle on the table, then the bottle will break and the pieces of the glass will scatter on the table. Like last night, I can use the glass piece to cut the rope. But the question was why will he throw the bottle on the table? Think Sophia, think fast.

Wait. If he throws the bottle at me and I duck down at the right time, then the bottle will strike the table and will get broken into pieces. But why will he throw the bottle at me? Maybe if I make him angry and fuel him to harm me, then he will happily throw the bottle at me. But there is a risk in this plan, Sophia! What if you didn't duck down at the right time, and the bottle hardly hit your head? Well, I will have to take the risk. Even if I don't get hit and killed by the bottle now, Kylie will definitely kill me later. But if she kills me later, then she will have the advantage of getting the whole wealth of Chris. But if I get killed now, then Chris wouldn't have to give his hard-earned wealth to the bitch. So it's better if I take a chance now. So begin your plan, Sophia!

"Hello, man whore. You bastard. Son of a bitch. How dare you kidnap me like this? Free me this moment and you wouldn't have to face Chris's wrath, you asshole!" I snapped at him. Well, I am sorry God for using such low and cheap language. Please forgive me this time as I don't have any other option.

"What did you say, you bitch? How dare you call me names, you little whore?" He yelled at me angrily and again sipped some alcohol from his bottle.

"What wrong did I say, you bastard? You little piece of shit! I bet you are an illegitimate child of your mother, and your father fucked your mother and left her with you in her belly," I spat out, trying to fuel his anger. Oh God! I feel disgusted on myself. How can I use such a language? I have always been taught since childhood to respect my own parents and even other's parents. And here I am talking shit about his mother. God, please forgive me for this!

But man, that trick actually worked on him. His face was fuming with anger.

"How dare you bitch?" He shouted and immediately threw the bottle in my direction. And man, ny timing was also perfect. I ducked my head down at the perfect moment and the bottle flew past me, striked the table with a loud thud and broke into pieces. When the man saw that he had missed his target, he angrily came towards me and pulled my hair with his hand, making me hiss in pain,
"You slut. How dare you call me an illegitimate child? I would have killed you right here in this very moment, if I was not given the order to keep you alive. But don't worry you bitch. Sooner or later, you are going to be killed, if not by me, then by boss Kylie." He told me and slapped me hard on the cheek, with his free hand, as his other hand was still pulling my hair, making me wince in pain. He finally left my hair and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I could feel my cheek burning due to his hard slap, but I stopped myself from crying as it was not the time to cry, but it was the time to fight.

I turned my head to look behind me and found pieces of glass scattered on the table. I pushed myself a little backward by slipping my feet against the floor, so as to reach the table, but as I was tied to the chair, the chair too moved with me. After reaching the table with difficulty, I tried to catch a piece of glass in my hand, but man, it was too hard, as my hands were tied behind my back. The movements of my hands were restricted, as the rope was tied too tightly for my liking. I tried to move my hands in the same direction and luckily after a few minutes, I was finally able to catch a piece of glass in my one hand. I slowly started cutting the rope, tied to my hands, with it, but as the rope was too thick, it was taking a lot of time. At one moment, the glass piece even cut the skin of my other hand, making me wince in pain. I looked behind to find that my hand bleeding and small droplets of blood were falling on the ground. But that was not the time to stop. So without thinking about the pain or the cut, I continued cutting the rope and I could feel the rope getting thinner and thinner with each passing moment. Finally after at least 20 minutes, I was successfully able to cut the rope and freed my hands from it. I looked at my wrists to find them covered with lots of bruises. I immediately untied the rope from my legs and then started untying the rope around my body, which tied me to the chair. After successfully freeing myself from the chair, I stood up and hid behind the door, waiting for someone to enter the room. I could hear the sound of the footsteps coming from outside the room, making it sure that there was someone keeping an eye on me from outside of the room. So I quietly waited behind the door, making sure that I don't make any noise. After almost 10 minutes, the door finally opened and someone entered the room. Well it was none other than the great Kylie. She looked in the direction, where I was tied to the chair and she immediately frowned when she couldn't find me there.
"Where the hell is she?" She spoke but luckily, she still didn't notice me standing behind the door, so I took it as a chance to kick her from behind, making her fall on the ground and the gun immediately dropped from her hand. I rushed towards the gun and immediately caught it in my hands, pointing the gun at Kylie. I pulled her up from the floor, making her stand in front of me. I wrapped my free arm around her neck and pointed the gun towards her head with my other hand. She immediately stiffened under my action,
"Don't you dare move. Or I will shoot you. Shout and tell your helpers to come inside the room," I warned her and she did as I said. Three well built man, immediately ran and came inside the room. Well, I had already met one of them as he was the same who helped me to get something sharp to cut my rope.

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