chapter 1

342 17 13

Before you warned
This book contains mature content.
Including explicit and suggestive language, sexual themes, drug use, addiction.over all mature theme.

Also major change on this book.

THEY KILL THE MEAN GIRL FIRST. Unfortunately for you, you're as mean as they come y/n.


"I don't go around taking random people under my wing y/n, don't take me for granted"

Deep breath!

"Don't ignore it little one, It runs in the family."

Breathe  y/n!

"24 hours is all you have and that's only because you are family, one second late and you're on your own."

Breathe you fucking shit, breathe.


the echo of her deafening scream can wake even the dead resting six feet under. throwing the small golden rectangular lighter with her initials crested on its sides With a big fucking Y/N.

It was a gift from her dad.told her it used to help him control his emotions once upon a bright spring afternoon. like father like daughter eventually that too become her habit.
Lighting it up when ever she is in a pickle.thumbs a little too close to the fire.
she likes the burn. helps her quite out the voices.

Swallowing hard to ease her dry throat, she hisses when a sharp pain cuts her throat. It didn't work, just like the stupid word she keeps repeating to herself.

This isn't working, she is supposed to come up with a plan.a plan to get her out of this mess. Y/n is good at this kind of situation. Keeping calm when her surrounding is bumming.its a traits she took from her mom, one her uncle also shares.

She closes her eyes trying to push her Uncle's deep rumble that refuses to leave her head since the small conversation they had a few hours ago. She would argue to say it's More of a warning bomb than a conversation if you ask her.

Just like her weak earlier attempts her thought doesn't let her rest as she thinks.
I can't join him.
It doesn't matter if it runs in the family, it doesn't matter if all my relatives from parents to cousins are killers.

You mean your dead parents. Reminds her subconscious

She swallows again feeling her throat close up as tears makes its way to her eyes.
It's only been two days since the accident.

You mean murder, you know very well who killed them.

I'm not a killer, I'm not a killer. She repeats as if saying it a hundred times will make it true. In all honesty. it is true. she isn't a killer ,not yet.

24 hours is all she have now until her uncle disowns and leave her to fend for herself.

" You know what will happen if I turn my back on you y/'ll only take hours, no minutes for our enemies to get their hand on your pretty head.and I don't think I need to explain to you what it means if another Riva goes down.i barely handled the breakout since your parents, it'll be a war if they get you too." He had told her emphasizing on the word Riva

Kim y/n Riva

The daughter of one of the most powerful families.


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