chapter 9

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It's inevitable that the time spent with them is deemed to be enjoyed,and it's also true you're enjoying yourself.

The frown drawn across you brow's on the early hours of the night are gone to never be back.

that clammy skin to skin dance? Yeah it seems to be appealing now. how ironic. Seeing you in this ridiculous situation.

god is his witness, taehyung would swear he would see pigs fly first before he sees you on the dance floor grinding on with other girls. but here you are,with no care of the world  having the time of your life.

and it only serves right to reciprocate when the girl beside you hooks her arm around you, moving your body with the beat.

Never been a dancer, if you had to think about it, your body is moving like a tap dancing penguin on drugs.but who cares? no one cares enough to look at your embarrassing form.

Contrary to your thoughts Jimin thinks you move like water, your body flowing with the song in the currently unknown women's hold.

He decides you would look much better in his hold instead so he joins you in the floor, not getting any resistance from you when he asks for your hands to dance. No resistance.

Not when he catches your waist with featherlight touches.

Not when he dips his head to nibble on your neck.

And most definitely not when he pulls your hips to his moving it with his hips.

Hair brushed back,skin a little shiny from the sweat, you are glowing both inside and outside.the flashing party light only adding to your dubious hot mess look.

You look furious, dangerous,toxic.
And Jimin looks soft, gentle even.

But there is authority in the way he Towers over you, eyes lazily looking down at you.he knows what he is doing.knows his way around a women's heart (or pants either of those two.)

You know it too. But it's said ignorance is bliss and you choose to relive in the bliss of the euphoria that comes with getting this type of attention.

It's dangerous in ways that makes your toes curl, belly swerve. But hey! what doesn't kill you makes you.......well dumber. in your situation at least.

It's why you decide to drink the night away, without any care of the consequences that comes with it in the's also why you choose to indulge in the flirty innuendos of holding Jimin while fixing your eyes at no other than your lapino at the far side of the vip section.

who currently is sitting alone. legs spread,body open for your viewing. One of his arms are lazily rested on his thighs. Index finger gentle tapping on it as if to say come sit on it.

And almost as if she have read your mind. Amy works her way to him planting herself on his lap with a smile so infectious it almost makes you gag.

Ding ding ding. Incoming intrusive thoughts y/n control yourself ,will you?

She is his girlfriend, has a claim to his lap like no other, so you can throw a mild tantrum however you like and still will be waved away with a flick of a hand.

Attraction is a mysterious fucker.doesn't care if the other person is taken or if they look like a measly served fish,

No it doesn't care if they look like a fallen angel in disguise looking at you with stars in their eyes , a smile so slutry that you almost tip over but Jimin has got a hold on you. He's the embodiment of a fallen angel after all.

Will tell you the tales of being ripped off from higher grace only to be placed here in front of you, moving yet with so much grace that it's  believable he hasn't fallen yet.

And like clock work your eyes move yet again to the vip section over jimin's shoulder.

Contrary to Jimin, Jungkook looks nothing soft or gentle. But like the devil flashing his checkmate cards,  he has got you breathing heavy when his eyes suddenly find yours from across the club.

The hand that isn't in his lap securing his girl on the other lap. He doesn't smile, just watches Jimin tighten his hands around your waist.

Attraction really is a mysterious fucker cause while jimin's hands are controlling your body, sending butterflies to your stomach, Jungkook is holding your brain hostage.

Both of them playing with your heart strings like a bass guitarist playing the last choruse.

And what a music is that to the listening ears?

Momentarily closing your eyes you take three deep breaths calming your thoughts. Only to open them with the slickest gaze Jungkook has ever witnessed.

He can have fun with his girlfriend, but you have a god like specimen dancing with you,moving your body to his will at the moment, you won't give away to the thoughts of wanting someone already taken but you can definitely play with the jack of all trades.

So you smile as you stand on Your tippy toes whispering words that could give Jimin a run for his money.

For once you want to let go, see where the night takes if Jimin stands true to his reputation and if it sates your curiosity you have of him.

you only live once after All.lord knows you haven't lived after your parents passed away. So if you want things to change, better change your view at life in general.but for now?  Just start with the enigma of a Jimin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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