chapter 8

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Clinging Sweats, thumping beats mashing with the numbing sound of the upbeat music through the large hidden speaker walls.
red, blue and pink ray of light swerving through clammy amatures. lost ,drunk and coked up to the fucking hilt on the dance floor.

Harbored breathes and skin to skin dances are proven to be not your thing as your eyes scan the crowd infront of you with a deep twisted frown across your brows.

The way people cling at eachother and grind for the life of them seems to be hard to comprehend.

Do they even know eachother?

That line of thought is proven to be irrelevant the moment you feel a warm Caresse along the curve of your spin through your tight fitted red satin dress that hugs your curvaceous body like a second skin.

"care to dance with me doll?"

the strange voice is obviously drunk and doesn't fail to make your skin crawl in utter disgust. But you don't show it as you try to be polite while declining his offer.

Surprisingly the guy doesn't push you much on it. Just smiles back at you before heading the opposite direction most probably on a hunt of another victom to grind his hard on.

You're constantly trying to remind yourself the reason why you even agreed to such barbrurus nightly event.but ofcourse you were left with no room to say no.

Jimin was pretty convincing and well he made the club sound like second home to heaven while he was trying to get you to come.

hobi didn't help on the matter, the fucker was on their side too, giving you those puppy eyes with shit-eating grin , untill you relent and finally agreed.

Where are they anyway?
You've just arrived sporting your newly deliverd car walking through the crowd like you own the place, correction 'like you own the fucking world,' face poker to conscile the nerves dancing in your gut.

Hobi offered to drive but you insisted on meeting him at the club instead so you are left alone.thats until you spot your lapino by the vip bar section, lips silently moving while giving his order to the bartender getting drinks with his girl by his side.

True to her identity amy looks modest ,showcasing a gorgeous golden thigh length dress and a flat sandle that made her complection look like an absolute goddess.

You're eyes instantly fall to your feet observing the six inch Tiffany co high strapless hills.

You suddenly feel envious. a foreign feeling. one that has no place with the likes of You. never thought you'd feel that because of envy, envy to be on her place "well i'll be damned." You whisper to yourself

"i'll be damned indeed, star you're gonna give me a heart attack."

This time the voice is familiar,doesn't fail to make shivers run down your spine.

Funny how the same action seems to give you diffrent reactions in less than a minute of time interval.

This voice? Ya, almost pleasing to the ears. Well ofcourse it is. Its kim taehyung we're talking about.

You spin in your heels face to face with the casanova of the night.looking nothing short of a Greek god. Hair slicked back, gives his jaw line a deserving shadow and his eyes the deepest shades of mystery.

He likes you in red, that much is obvious from long time accountancies but God damn it you looked good enough to eat and he is starving.

Pretty Brown almond eyes shamelessly scanning down your pretty red wrapped frame.

perhaps he forgot where you two stand now. or that he is just drunk, explains why he would talk to you like that, look at you like that.

You're about to respond when
His eyes suddenly cast towards your shoulder an approaching figure catching his attention.

Your eyes trail back, your breath catching in your throat.

"I hope that compliment is for me kimy boy, you're the second person to marvel at me this past hour."
Kook mocks at hand holding a drink the other... well around his prised possession

Amy by his side, smiles at taehyung instead, ignoring her boyfriends remark, hands stretching for a polite greeting while the snicky lapino leans in to your ears whispering...

"I'll take the stunned silence as a compliment." His words are light and just out there for the fun of it but his eyes tell different stories. They looked sad, even more so disappointed.

Why would he be dissapointed?

You observe him choosing silence instead, if tae isn't the star of the night its determined the Lapino would steal the spot light.

He looks good. good enought to take you by the throat, steal your breath away.
His jaw has that flawless five o'clock shadow, eyes half open, darker than the usual shades but what are you doing? His girl is right besides you, in his tatooed arms.

Crash idiotic thoughts before they could grow and fester!

"not even looking at you kook" you smile sweetly at him as if you weren't just brain fucking him minutes ago.

He raises his arms,fingers tucked, knuckles on display as he wipes invisible drool from your chin.

"Could've fooled me."

"kookie stop annoying her." Amy scolds her boyfriend and you're reminded you're not alone.

thankful someone shares your opinion. you bite back, voice low, only for his ears to know "carefull, the mouth isn't the only expressive body part mr jeon." Then you look down to his groin suggesting the unthinkable.

"You might wanna sort that out." the wink you give is sadistic, planted purposely to be unforgotten.

call it instinct, call it reflex action but his hands immediately fly to his crouch. just to make sure, only to find it fine, just a semi there nothing new. usually happens when he's one or two vodka drinks in.nothing to do with you really. But it's fun to play 'imagine' just for a second, fuck with his brain. you know there's is a higher chance that you're not the cause of his semi too.

He doesn't try to justify it. Knows it will go straight to deaf ears. He simply smirks. Relives in his blush worthy situation instead of caving in to your torture.

"You're delusional." He spits and you smile liking how easy conversation comes with him.

"Marvelous everybody is here" jimin joins in with a moon curving smile stolen from the moon herself.

Must be nice to steal such a sulistile tribute and get away with it. If anyone can master such doings,it would be jimin.

shaking your head you almost scold yourself for the impetuous thoughts, but what the heck, you're at a club surrounded with gorgeous human beings, you're allowed to be horny.

"Im ready to get shitfaced and forget who birthed me." He yells over the loud music earning a round of chuckles and head shakes from the group.

" hobi?" You ask the where abouts of your partner in crime.

"in the private booth with the kims" jimin answers head leaning toward yours.

Full house, everyone you know from past and present are here, you can either put your detective hat and investigate for your culprit or you could just blame the alchol and forget just for one night.

You sigh knowing for sure that this night is definatly one to be remeberd. But for now you'll let your sober self worry about the consequences that's about to come with bad decisions in the morning.

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