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Ryom whistled gleefully as he did his early morning shopping. Passing through the ‘sweets’ section, he took almost everything in sight he got an old lady staring at him.

Since Elyssi didn't agree to go to church yesterday. He attended with his siblings, Sergio and Serriya. He was really blessed to have such a Christian family. Sergio would fly to other countries to minister, and at the same time, do his best to keep their family business afloat.

Most times, he comes back after three days even though these trips last more than one week. However, even though he's got this busy-busy of a job, he makes sure not to miss Sunday church.

Serriya, on the other hand, owns clothing stores. After two years of working hard for it, she managed to set up seven branches already. Both her and Ryom handle the Romero Dental's charity work.

They help orphanages, reach-out programs and you know, charity. The orphanage that he and Elyssi always visit is under their wing too. It was actually owned by another company's charity work but they still help. It wasn't given that much attention anyway.

Back to the present, Ryom felt eyes staring at him so he sheepishly smiled and explained that those sweets were for kids.

The woman nodded and moved onto another aisle. Who could blame her though, Ryom’s big shopping cart was filled with sweets, and another large shopping cart waiting for him by the counter, this one filled with other stuff such as pastas, canned goodies, toothpastes, you get it.

The grocery workers placed everything inside a box and two boys helped him move them to his car.

Reaching his destination, Ryom spotted an unfamiliar car by the clinic’s driveway. Beside it was the clinic's open backdoor.

*But Elyssi doesn’t open the door until quarter to eight. Something is suspicious.*

His eyebrows were scrunched as he quickly parked his own vehicle. Inside, he spotted two boxes beside the bean chair. Ryom went further, into Elyssi's kitchen and saw the back of a male, sitting on one of the kitchen chairs.

“Excuse me, Sir. Who are you?”

“All my punches are finally getting up to you, huh?” The visitor sounded like he was about to laugh.

"Sergio," Ryom recognized the visitor's voice despite his bad case of sore throat. He rolled his eyes and asked whose car was it outside.

“My car got dragged to some recycling area or something.” Sergio turned around and grumbled. Since he can't retrieve it and has no choice but to wait for a couple of days, he borrowed Tim's. Tim was Serriya's boyfriend but he and Sergio were already close since middle school.

Ryom raised his right brow at him, "Is this supposed to be a prank again?"

Sergio chuckled, did a rather forced smile and told how it went.

The trouble started when he parked in an area beside the road, no signs, no traffic enforcers. Sergio is a law abiding citizen, he can drive slower than the snail from the  'Monsters University' if the cops would tell him to do so.

For security, he locked everything and made sure he had his keys in his hoodie pocket. The male went inside and grabbed some food from a nearby grocery store but on his way back, he bumped to an old friend, and as what would usually happen, they talked longer than they should.

Sergio didn't notice his keys falling off his pocket, the man only realized when he reached his car and tried to unlock it. He immediately went back to where he walked through and spent almost an hour finding it.

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