• nine •

7 2 1

Ryom danced around his kitchen as his coffee maker did it's job.

He was already suited up, both physically and mentally, for this big day.

Deciding to put his mission into act, he decided they were gonna clean today then go to church the next day. Well, since it's gonna be Sunday.

The man also planned to 'suggest' perhaps that they take a vacation week or something. Or else the mission's gonna be less fun.

Thirty minutes later, he left his house.

Not forgetting to buy some food, he drove over his favorite cafe for their 'weekly food,' bagels.

"Lyssiiiii. I've got something to say." He basically ran inside their clinic like some five year old child wanting to rant his story to his mother.

Straight to the kitchen, he saw the woman cooking some bacon.

"Good morning! You were early?"

The woman turned around and faced him. Pyjamas, pale skin, lion's hair and half-asleep grumpy eyes.

Ryom stepped back. "Or you didn't sleep at all."

He deposited everything he was holding on the table and took out two cups of hot chocolate.

He gave one to her. Elyssi, being herself, gulped it all down before handling the male the spatula she was she was holding. She dragged herself out her kitchen and onto the clinic's sofa.

Not even three minutes later, she dozed off.

Ryom just exhaled loudly and continued frying the bacon in her place, not forgetting go pop one onto his mouth. One piece always disappears when you're cooking bacon.

After the task was done, he went and checked up on Elyssi. Heavily asleep. Great.

He locked the clinic's entrance door and loosed the curtains on the windows beside her. The bright light might interrupt her sleep.

After making sure everything she was comfortable, he went to the clinic's backyard.

Elyssi sluggishly forced her eyes to open but her eyelids were too heavy, wanting to rest some more. Surprisingly, the sunshine wasn't there to torture her. She half-liddedly sat up and looked at the window.

*Kinda dark*

She shook her head and looked around. Elyssi thought she'd only be asleep for thirty minutes or so but the lighting inside the room made it look like it was already evening.

The woman stood up and lifted the curtains. Oh, she was tricked. It was still bright. She trudged to her kitchen in search of water only to sit down and doze off again.

Finally awake, she opened the fridge to satisfy her dry throat. A container caught her attention, with a confused face, she took it and peeked of what's inside.

Stir fried veggies and tofu. Ryom's favorite food.

*Wait, Ryom's favorite food?*

Elyssi completely forgot about him. She just assumed he left. Just to be sure, she checked the whole place. Yep, no noisy Ryom around.

She stretched before heading to the fridge again. Her throat just felt like a desert not rained on for years.

Two yawns later, she dozed off. Again.

During her second, no, third nap, some knocking was heard. At first, she thought it was nothing but the sound went on and on she just had to stop it.

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