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Elyssi was the first one to recover from the shock and whisper shouted at him, "we have to shop for tomorrow!"

Ryom looked at their carts which were basically empty since they were just starting. Elyssi only had one jar of jam on her hand.

He insisted, reasoning that their carts were basically empty but the female argued that she had the jam and she wasn't returning it, even though she would've if this was a normal situation.

“Seriously?" Ryom flatly looked at her. Then he pretends to look hurt, "You treasure a jar of jam more than me?"

Jade, smiled at his little antic. Elyssi, however, stubbornly refused and converted her attention back to the jar she was holding, looking at it like it was the most interesting object in the world.

Ryom, knowing that she won’t give up, bargained. "Then go pay for that, we'll be waiting by the exit."

Elyssi protested that Jade didn't say she was free yet. The male looked at Jade with expectations while the woman nodded and spoke, “I’m free. I was actually looking for something these past thirty minutes but this store doesn’t seem to have it so I’m.. free.”

Ryom looked at his coworker in triumph, “Hear that? Now please go pay for it and come to the exit," his intonation clearly implementing the conversation's over.

The female dentist looked at the male with disbelief. When they were out of her sight, she reluctantly decided to do as she was told. Trying to t1%1ake things slower, she returned the two unused shopping carts first and walked sluggishly to the cashier booths.

Four booths were available and the first two had long lines so she decided to go to the first one.

She really dreads what she knew was happening later so as much as possible, she wanted to waste the time.

Minutes later, Elyssi was already third in line. Badly wanting to procrastinate, she turned around in attempt to 'get more stuff.' However, a voice directed to her was heard, it's her turn.

She looked around the booth and on the stand beside it. The cashier looked at her and asked her if the jam was all she'd want to buy so she grabbed a lot of the small gums and a few chocolates.

Unfortunately, the cashier dealing with her was quick. In a flash, it was time to pay. Elyssi breathed in deeply and walked to the exit in slow motion.

Getting near to the area, she saw Ryom, alone. This gave her  a little relief so the woman started running towards him.

Hearing the girl's familiar footsteps, Ryom turned around and smirked. “You’re finally done? You could’ve been there for hours, we’ll wait.”

Elyssi looked at him blankly and asked where Jade was.

“Since you needed decades to pay for a single strawberry jam,” he took a dramatic post, “we went and checked if there were any free tables at the nearby café and thank God we did that since they were full so she suggested a bakery just down the street and went first to preserve a table for us. “

Elyssi’s face went impassive and her mouth remained shut.

Ryom sighed and grabbed her hand, “Let’s go?”

“I have to leave these to your car?” She was implying of the small groceries she had on her arms.

Ryom genuinely smiled. “Fine." He got the paper bag and casually strolled to the direction of the parking lot.

Observing that Elyssi was taking her sweet, sweet time to walk like a snail, he grabbed her hand again and pulled her along him.

Finally having the chance to question her, Ryom asked if she didn't really want to bond with her sister.

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