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Jade's surprised eyes looked at Sergio's direction.

It wasn't her usual self but she decided to reply with some humor.

"Most kidnappers start it sweet."

A chuckle was earned. When they went around some left turn, Sergio asked. "So we're friends now, right?"

"Acquaintances, brother."

"Your replies are kinda good, Jade."

No more words followed. After some ten minutes of traffic, they reached some type of Chinese restaurant.

"What do you like?" Sergio asked the woman on the passenger seat while fumbling on the glove compartment.

"What are you doing?" Jade replied instead.

"Uhm. Getting food?" The male made the face as if he found what he was searching for. He raised his hand and saw four discount coupons.

The woman stared at him in bewilderment. He is a rare kind of specie, that's for sure.

His car wasn't showy but she's certain it's expensive and looked kinda foreign on the inside.

His clothing was of good quality and he totally looked like some gentleman type who'd prefer expensive steak over anything.

Actually, Sergio looked simpler than this. Jade's imagination is just a bit... superlative.

Anyways, it really amazed her. It was Jade's first time to witness a male probably her age keep coupons.

He got out the vehicle first but after seeing the line in front of the restaurant's counter, he opened the car door again and retrieved it's keys.

Before he could close and lock the door again, he looked at the woman.

Jade had her eyes slit and her eyebrows wrinkled in utter confusion and, well, she didn't know how else to react.

Her mind was like, 'What exactly is happening?'

[A.N.: this always happens to me lol]

"Aren't you gonna come with me?"

Thinking they were gonna eat inside, she unlocked the car door and rushed outside.

Sergio beamed at this and secured his car before leading her inside.

The restaurant's color scheme was red, as common with Chinese stuff. However, instead of dragons and whatnot, plants were displayed everywhere.

It looked like the mixture of garden and Chinese restaurants.

Two counters were beside two grand staircases while sofas with tables beside them were by the red painted walls.

Small square tables were littered a meter away from but you can still roam freely.

The second floor looked even more humongous with waiters rushing here and there.

The room was quiet packed. Sergio led Jade to the counter on the left corner.

"So why exactly here?".

Jade had no idea what was happening.

"It's a friend."

Puzzled, the woman teared her eyes away from the numerous Chinese vases and onto his face.

Her expression literally voiced out, 'Huh?'

The male didn't answer.

Suddenly, it was their turn. The service was sure fast and A-OK.

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