☁️Chapter 04☁️

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Since they got there early Haneul, wanted to walk for a while, with Minji of course. She received a message from Areum, stating that she is at the entrance of the university and that she wants to see her. She replied with 'Okay be there in a sec'

She then sees a girl, in a skirt and a cute pastel long sleeve blouse with her hair down, a few hair pins for décor and light makeup on her face, waving at her. She then ran to Haneul and hugged her.

As they hugged, the girl saw everyone around them, looking at the two of them. More like, at Areum. She's gotten really pretty.

I mean she was cute when I saw her last but she grew up into this beautiful lady.

"Hey! It's been so long, it's so nice to see someone familiar here. Although it would be nice if we have some classes together." She's majoring in dance. Minji on the other hand is majoring in music and she is majoring in photography and cinematography. Just because she finds it fun. Which then, makes them in different departments.

"We'll see, you've gotten... Prettier!" She said and then gave her a smile while she was fixing her glasses. Yes, Haneul has glasses but she only wears them to school, the ophthalmologist said that it was fine plus, it hides her eye bags from staying up all night.

"Thank you! You too! By the way, this is?" Areum's gaze trailed to Minji as she was scanning her from bottom to top. "Oh right! I'm Minji."  She offered her hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you!" Areum smiled at her and gladly shook her hand. People were still looking at them and it was making the other girl anxious.

"Well, I gotta go. See you when I see you! Nice to meet you Minji!" She waved at two and then speed walked away. But then she stopped and looked at Haneul again, with a smile on her face. "Oh! And Haneul! Let's catch up okay?" She nodded and then she went away. People's gazes were still on her.

I mean she could basically pass as a model. She's that pretty.

"Waahhh" Minji exhaled. "She's really pretty, I better watch out for Donghyun looking at other girls." Haneul laughed at her statement. "Why? I don't think Areum is that type, she's actually nice."

"Of course, she's not the only pretty one in this campus, I'm sure there's a few of them and I can't let any of them steal what's mine." Minji pouted and an angry expression on her face while she crossed her arms. "You know, even though, Donghyun is in another department, he still has his eyes on you. I bet he also feels the same."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Minji asked. "You're cute and lovable aaannddd funny and smart. In short everyone can like you since you're personality and charms are just lovable."

"Isn't it like that? I mean yeah everyone can like a certain person, but sometimes they only look at your physical aspects and then they'll judge you. So I'd rather have the people I treasure and love me instead of strangers liking me for who I am not. Quality over quantity Haneul!" She said emphasizing the last part. The friend then chuckled at her mini inspirational speech.

"Plus, Donghyun should only have his eyes on me. Cuz I'm part of the rarest kind of pie in this world. So, he'll regret it if he just dumps me." She rolled her eyes. "Wait what? Specifically, what pie?"

"A.....Cutie pie"


"More like a pie with no jams! HAHAHAH Minji, you got no jams." The girl chuckled and then ran off.

"Yah! Come on admit it, it was kinda funny! Hey! Slow the f- whoops!" Haneul looked behind her and witnessed her friend almost tripping over a rock which caused her to laugh because of the fact that she was about to curse.

"That's bad luck for you my friend, nature was just trying to stop you from saying something inappropriate. You should be thankful." She kept on laughing while she patted her friend's back.

Minji was still recovering from the traumatic almost-face-plant-to-the-floor accident.


"For your first project, please first pass a piece of white paper with your name on it." Haneul's teacher in Photography class, Mr. Jeon said. It's been about 30 minutes since class begun, all they've done is the most common thing done on the first day, the introduce yourself stuff.

"Did everyone pass their names already?" The class responded with a 'yes' and then he explained their project.

"For this project, I want you guys to draw a name from this jar, and this person will be your partner. Your project is going to be taking a picture of your partner, so your partner is your model. So, everyone in this class will be taking a picture so in total you'll pass two pictures one from each person. The picture needs to portray a certain emotion that will tell a story, might as well come up with a story about it and then you'll present it to class 2 weeks from now."

There were no more questions from the students as the teacher explained everything. The drawing of partners started. Haneul started to feel nervous since Minji is not here and she's unfamiliar with everyone.

One of her classmates was now picking a name from the bottom of the jar and then she announced "Park Eun Jung?" A girl at the back raised her hand and then she went to her.

'I wish my partner is a girl, it'll be easier that way. I mean it depends. What if she is bossy? What if she's someone really pretty like Areum and then I'll get compared to her? What if she's the total opposite of me?' She thought to herself as endless of what ifs are still coming up to her mind.

"Next student" The teacher looked at her. "Me?" She pointed at herself and then he nodded. She walked to the front and then selected a piece of paper. 'please be someone nice'

She opened the folded paper and then she read the name out loud.

"Na Jaemin"

Someone sitting in the middle of the room raised their hand.

Ahh.... shi- it's a dude.

A/n:  Hey! Surprise update

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A/n:  Hey! Surprise update... we have no classes so like yeah😁

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