☁️Chapter 06☁️

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"Wait what?" Just like what Areum said, she wanted to catch up, As soon as class ended, she went to Haneul and so here they were, on a bench, just eating.

"Uhhuh" She said as she eats her ice cream away. "You know Jaemin right?" She suddenly asked. "Yeah, he's in my photography class. What about him?"

"Nothing" she then eats her ice cream.

"Okay.... But I'm sorry that Minji is not here, she is just busy."

"That's okay, there's always a next time. By the way, the guy being ice cream guy.... Chain bracelet?"

"Yup, and also a cap, but never mind, I'll just let him be. Plus, I don't remember his face anymore. But I wish I could've said thank you, but never mind, how 'bout you?"

"What about me?" She finished her ice cream and is now wiping her face with a tissue. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Pft...what question is that, no I don't."

"Really?! You're that pretty and you don't have one? Dude really? People are even staring at you.... like...all of the time."

"Haneul, looks aren't everything."

"I know that, I just said that because people would be instantly interested into someone who's good-looking, no shade tho...just stating facts."

"But again, looks aren't everything, Minji would be an example."

"What? I think she's cute and plus she's really nice and funn-"

"Exactly, let's go" She then stood up and started to walk away. People still looking at her. Haneul followed her but on her way to her friend, she heard.

"Why is she with her? She's super pretty but her friend...not so much" A random person said. "Yeah, maybe she just hangs with her so that she can become popular." The person's friend said.

Knowing better, she ignored them and then went to Areum so that you can go home with her.


Haneul arrived in class early, with at least 30 minutes to spare. So, she went to the vending machine in hopes of getting something to drink. Putting on her earphones and she played a song from her playlist.

She arrived at the vending machine but she just stared at the options available. "Want my opinion?" Someone from behind her said.

To her surprise it was just Jaemin. 

"HmmMmm.... Sure, why not?"

"Pick anything except for strawberry milk." He said pointing at the spot in the machine where the drink was.

"May I ask why?"

"For me though, I just don't like the taste of artificial strawberries and also I can't have milk."

"Okay, I'll have strawberry milk then" she said as she inserted her money in the vending machine. He just looked at her, surprised. "Do you want anything?" She asked him.

"A cola would be nice." He said, but as he did so, he smiled at her and blinked his eyes, eyelashes batting beautifully.

"Okay, buy it yourself then." She took her drink and he grabbed her wrist to prevent her from leaving. "Nice joke, but seriously I gave you my opinion and like you even chose something that I don't like, ain't that unfair, I'm upset." And he did a cute angry face.

"No, not really, you can complain all you want and try to act cute and whatnot but like dude, I didn't ask for your opinion you were nice to share it." She said but to her surprise he pouted. He slowly lets go of her wrist and then walked away. 'Was I too harsh?'

Haneul inserted money in the machine to buy a cola for the pouting guy. She grabbed it as soon as it dropped.

"Jaemin, wait up!" The girl said as she caught up with him, he didn't make it that far, after all he was sulky.

"What now? Are you going to make me drink milk and like tell me that I-" She can't afford to hear him rant now so she shoved the cola in front of him. "Is this for real?"

"You don't want it? Okay fine, more for me then." She was about to retrieve her hand that was holding the cola but he held her arm and took the cola from her.

"May I just say, we just met and you're touching me already, let's take it slow okay?"

Haneul said as she gave him an appropriate wink. They both laughed.

"Oh come on, you can't just mock me with that. Take it back. I can wink, just so you know."

"I can't take that back, it already happened, wink at me again, when you can." Haneul then winked again.

"That's just.... all jokes aside Let's be friends." He said as he offered a handshake, but as she was about to accept it, he changed it into a fist. They fist bumped for the second time.

"You want to be friends so I can treat you a cola every now and then, isn't this a scam?"

"Yup, and I was too cute for you to resist." He then smirked in a very weird way. "You look like a meme every now and then." The girl then laughed.

"That's good I guess, at least I can make other people happy." He laughed along with her as he did more meme faces and this was just the start of a very meme-full friendship also a meme-ingful one.

"So, let's do the photoshoot next Saturday." Haneul suggested. "Sure, do you want me to wear something of your preference?"

"I just want you to wear something with pastel colors or anything bright colored and cheerful. What about me, do you need me to wear anything specific?"

"You'll just be fine with whatever you wear, I'm sure the photos will turn out great as long as you'll have fun in the process of it all."

A/N:  I just realized that Haneul is mean in this chapter, but uhhh

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A/N:  I just realized that Haneul is mean in this chapter, but uhhh....  she just thinks that men are trash, not all men but yeah.

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