Ashes and Gunpowder

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A/n: Hi! I'm back with another chapter for you all now strap in because things are about to get SPICY. Also I know some of you might find my a/n's annoying but I feel like you should be able to know what I'm feeling as I'm writing this right?? Anyway I don't plan on stopping how I write so if you don't like this don't read it plain and simple. Quick disclaimer I do not own Hamilton the musical all rights go to Lin Manuel Miranda

Hamilton: Oh no what have you done to us now

Me: Well you will just have to read to find out won't you
You awaken on a bed in a small dim lit room.

" (y/n) , you're alive!" cries a voice full of gladness.

You slowly try to ease yourself up, as a strong hand helps prop you up on the bed.

You whimper as your head and your whole body aches with pain.

"Oh no are you okay??" Concern is laced in hisd voice,

You manage a weak nod, you try to speak but only rasps come out.

Alexander passes you a cup of water,

"Drink my love, you must be thirsty." (A/n: aaaahhhh so sweet n caring!! <3<3<3)

You sip the water greatfully, thankful when Alexander helps you hold the cup.

After taking a couple more gulps you manage to whisper,

"Alexander what happend to Laurens."

Alexander makes a pained face and you feel tears briming at the corners of your eyes.

Alexander sighs,

" (y/n) I'll tell you later rest for now please? Youre body is still recovering."

But you shook your head in refusal, you needed to know now or you would not be able to rest easily.

"Please alexander I must know now! Don't hold this truth from me!" The shoulding left you in a painful fit of coughs.

Worried Alexander gently pats your back helping you gain back your once lost breath. (a/n: (y/n) sure worked themselves up didn't they hehe)

He gives you a weary smile before running a hand through your sweat soaked (y/c/h)


"Fine if I must tell you then I will.

I would not want you to die because of lack of infomration.

Laurens is alive but he is not for long. When I aimed my guns

I did not hit the heart as I should've but instead a few inches away. I dont know why, I

guess I jsut thought about all the times that Laurens and I were friends and I couldn't

do it anymore.

He is currently resting in another sick bay."

You felt your eyes wet. You were not sure if the wettness was from sadness, joy, or anger.

Hot tears hit your hands as reality of the statement came crashing down.

You tried to get up but exhaustion beat you and you returned to slumber.

_______________I'ts sad Line break lenny T^T oh noes_______________

" (y/n) ? (y/n) !" you feel your self being gently but roughly shaken awake and open your


"oh thank goodness." he says with happiness, tears running down his face. "You were so

stil and you weren't breathing I thought you were a goner for sure!"

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