Wait for It

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A/n:Helloooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to thank you all for sticking around for so long you guys are like family to me alnost. I dont get along with the meanies at my school because they don't appreciate writing or history and so obvi we can never get along. But oyu guys are so cool and quirky and uniquie and Im happy we can all indulge in our Hamilton obessions together as a united front. Anyway with that out of the way I hope you mean haters got the not so discrete message to STAY AWAY FROM THIS FIC. I want this place to be a safe space for us musical hamitoners to express and live their dreams of beign apart of the revolutionary war and you stupid people saying that it isn't written well or that it doesn't make "Historical Sense" are just mysoginistic bullies that think all girls should spend their time wearing heels and gossiping. Your just mad that a thriteen year old girl knows more about american history than you and that I actually have the intelectual power to enjoy such a complex muscial as Hamilton. For all my girls out there I hope this respnates with you go forth in your Hamilton life style and be the kid who calls out their professor when they don't know who Hamilton IS. GIRL POWER! Anyway I guess I should stop rambling like some weirdo, lets head onto the chapter without further ado.
"Wow its so nice to be home," you remark feeling the sun on your face.

"Yes I really missed

this place alot, it feels like we've been gone for weeks but really it's only been like a day." comments ALexander.
"I know right" you say looking out of teh boat at the ocean waves which are green and blue in the sunglihgt. Normally you dont liek long trips or boat rides becauset hey make you feel a lil seasick but with Alexander by your side your sickness autmoaticaly goes away.
"Gosh it is nice to be back home and I even heard that the fighting has stopepd for a while," ALexander tells you. (a/n: hehe enjoy it while it lasts) "So while we have time we're going to hve to talk to a lot of importnatn peopel and make big palns for what wer'e going to do next."
You sigh and lean back and close your eyes deep in thought.
___________Line Break Lenny here to bring u to shore________________
Even though tyou insist that you arent seasick at all alexander insists on carrying you to back to the barracks where you sit down and wait. (a/n: he's so perfect isn't he)
"So who are we gonig to talk to fist???" you ask Alexander who is lost in thought.
"I think we shold go talk to General washington to see what has happned while we were away" he tells you.
"Okay" the two of you stand up and you are about to leave but then someone comes rushign in and almost bumps into you.
"WHoa watch yourself man what in the heck do you think your doing!!!! you almost hurt my precious (y/n) by being so clumbsy!!!!" Alexander is upset by this. Then he notices who it is.
"Aaron burr what are you doing here." Alexander asks questioninigly.
With raised eyes showing visible confuse.
"Hamilton I didn't knwo you were here, or you General (y/n) ." Burr bows to you. "I'm sorry about my clumisness I pormise that I it won't happene again."
"Hmph." says hamilton still upset. "What are you even doing here burr."
"Well alexander in case you didn't knwo I also have a job and I am here to help the soldiers and advice general George Washinton because SOME PEOPLE couldn't be here and just ran off whenever they felt like,' Burr says sassily.
"Wow geez Burr we couldn't help it the pompous puffball himself requested to meet me. He wanted me to stay there and rule besdie him but I turned him down because......" your eyes drift ot alexnder but you don't really feel like want to tell Burr so you say "....becuase of my duty ot the united states of america colonies and so even when he threatened to colonies I turned him down to come back here and keep fighting the british. So just shut your mouth because you don't know nothing about nothing and you can't complain." you roll your eyes harshly at Burr.
"and I had to fight off a whole army of the klutzy kook's guards in order to win the duel so that we oculd escape and return safely. Unlike you we've actually been being productive while we weren't here, BURR." Alexander also rolls his eyes and then you high five.
"Hmphhh" Burr grumbles and rolls his eeys back at you. (a/n: what a jerk)
In a way that felt very

Oceans Rise Empires Fall- Hamilton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now