He sent an armed batallion

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a/n: Hi guys I don't have to much to say this time around since thankfully even some of the persistant haters got the notice to BACK OFF. Life has been a bit crazy since the last time I tried to post. You know I'm actually glad im not popular cuz then I dont have to deal with all the dumb drama and fake peopel!!! Middle school really sucks and kids are terrible people to each other. It has gotten me feeling rather icky and so I had to take some time away from interacting wtih society and binged some netflix adn ate a ton of nuggets and ice cream (the best way to spend ones life). But now I'm back and better than ever after getting those pesky haters out of my way an I'm ready to indulge you all into all the cool fantasies I've been cookking up during quick haitus. Anyway once again I want to put out the disclaimer that I never have nor never will (although I'd reall like to) own Hamilton and all rights go to Lin.

SO lets get on with the show this chapter was just full of action but don't worry I still managed to squeeze in some soft moments for you all to ;).

The three hours were soon up and everyone gathered to the arena. An enormous crowd
had gathered to watch and the whole room was noisy with gossip and chattering. A

couple of hotdog and popcorn stands had even been set up as well.

Youre Alexander, in all of his radiant glory stood on one side of the area. (a/n he looks so cool kind of like a pokemon trainer standing at the edge of the feild)

Across from him stood the trembling omega, fiddling with his crown with 5 odd

looking guards stood behind him.

The boy Evan from earlier could be seen with cleaning supplies next to 2 other gaurds, the emo one, and nerdy one, and two female maids.

You also notice the two guards who helped you earlier, Damiin and Wyllownii standing

on the outsides looking focusedly at the arena, holding there spearpoles at the ready. Sir

Jasper is dangling over the edge of one of the fancy box seats high above, straining to see

the arena.

You your self was seated on a large blush throne that was close to the arena.

You had two guards surround you in order to keep you in place. Though you knew that if your precious Alexander was to be in any harm they would be no match for  you.

The prissy peacock had dressed you in tacky english royalty garbs and had

revoked all of your prized weapons. But you were sure your fist combined with love

would be able to protect your Alexander no matter what.

As the crowd of obese British people finished tricking in and began munching on their

crumpets a referee doning a long black trench coat (a/n: guess who that isss) walked

to the middle of the arena.

"The rules are simple, 10 paces with your back turned to your oponent. Once those

steps have been taken the duel begins. Death is optional but preferred, and if you don't

finish fast enough I'm blowing one of you suckers up." The referee smirked with a murderous glee. (a/n: here's a huge hint)

Clearely someone was excited to see some bloodshed.

The referee walked off to the side and Alexander and one of the king's guards walked to

the center

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