to Infinity and Beyond

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A/n: Hey guyssssss!!!! I know you must still be in shock from thenlast events, but I have a BRAND NEW chapter for you. And YES before you ask I am feeling better from last time the Haiti's REALLY DID ME WELL like for all who you didn't think it would KT WOULD, I got my phone and tablet back but I'm still gonna cut class bcoz like who even cares lolololol ITS ONLINE ANYWAY  I don't let anyoen tell me what to do and also Im like so over "alex" already like screw him and screw his gf I don't even care anymoar so let's just get right back into the story!!!!!!!!! AGAIN thatnk u thank u thank u to all my supporters luv luv luv u guys for always showing me nothign but the support and affection taht I deserve you guys are the bestest ever and screw u to all the haters who keep tearing me and my writing down!!!! You guys dont even know how hard my life is and how lucky u are that i even take the tiem to write out all my stories and post them here for you to see like don't disrespect me like you could do any beter!!!!! So WHAT if my grammar and spelling arent perfect like you can UNDERSTAND what I'm SAYING and that's all that matters anybody who says otherwise is stupid. Also big thanks for those of you who realized I was having ahard time dealing with my awful life and told my dumb haters and ciritzers off in the commetns. CANCEL THEM TO THE PITS OF THE EARTH THEY DESERVE NOTHING LESS FOR HATING MY AMAZING WRITING!!!!!! I love my die hard fans you are the guys I really stick around for. I write this dedicated SOLEY to you and no one else. Also I haven't done it in a while but just inc ase you forgot I DO NOT OWN HAMILTON IF I DID IT WOULD'VE BEEN DONE MY WAY WITH MY FANTASISES THERE'S A REASON THIS IS CALLED FANFICTION OKAY!!!!!! ANYWAY story time!!!!!
We sit up in the room as the morning light of dawn pours in through the flapping curtains. You yawm and stretch and yelp as you get a cramp in your shoulder.
"Are you okay  (y/n)  " asks Alexander leaning over you concernedly.
"Yes don't wrory about me ALexander I promise I'm perfectly fine it's just a cramp I'll eat a banana or soemthing" you reassure him. "But how about you? arent you like worn out after that crazy duel eyesteerday?"
"Oh. Don't wrory about it  (y/n)  i'm fit as a fiddle." He flexes his muscsles. "Heck I could go for another round right here and now."
you giglge.
But htne all of  asudden you remember the events of yesterday and you rapidly grow serious.
"Alexander about yesterday--"
He puts his hand on your mouth. "No worries  (y/n)  you don't need to wroryr about any of  that anymore. Burr is defeated and gone and you just need ot worry about healing youreslf."
"No don't worry Hamilton I'm liek completely fine look," you say rotating your shoulder which still aches a lil but for the most part feels fine. "they removed the bullet quickly so I'm basically already healed."
"Well if you say so." Hamilton looks out of the widnow with a look of deep concern creasing his face. Something is obviously bothering him.
"What is it now Alexander" you ask tenderly. He touches your face but sitll cant meet your eyes.
"I dont know  (y/n)  I just saw the strangest thing in the street the other day..."
"What was it? you sit up in bed ignoring the pain in your shoulder curious as to what he is going to say. BUt although he looks like he's going to say something he decidesa gainst it. (a/n: oooh is this a mystery on our hands guys)
'Never mind  (y/n)  It was just a pigment of my imagination. I shoudlln't bother you with such ridiculous things...."
He trails off mysteriouisly leaving you to wonder. But you aren't about to sit ther and just wonder what it is he saw.
"Alecander," you say gently taking his hand. "you know tha tyou can tell me anything and I won't be mad or judege you for it."
He looks at you sadly and then back out the window. "Okay  (y/n)  I'lll tell you what I saw but you have to promiese me that you won't laugh or not believe me because I promise you it's opretty freaking carzy."
He sighs and leans back. "I thought I saw you just like the day I met you, when you were wearing tha t really beautiful outfit that perfectly suited your (y/c/e) eyes and your (y/c/h) hair was flwoing in the wind."
You lean back and laugh."Oh alexnadher that's so cute. I think of you the day I met you too."
He shakes his head seriously. "I dont think you undestand  (y/n) it was exactly EXACTLY the same. I was a little freked out."
you pat his arm. "Don't worry alexander you don't have to dream about me  I'm right here."
He smiles at you. "Yes of course I know  (y/n) I think I'm just a little frazzled from all the action that's been going on latelsy. How aobut we go for a walk in the gardens to calm our enrves and get som efresh air?"
you agree happily.
______________Line break Lenny here to take u to the gardens_________
"Get a doctor on sight NOW!" General Washington roars. The sound of
Guns shooting across the feilds and the souts of war blare form all sides.
You run out form your tent in your battle armor. "General what's happened!"
You shout in panic and fear knowing it was Alexander's troops that were out on the front lines.
" (y/n)  I have no time to explain where is the medic!" General Washington says with a serious tone
You realize that this was a serious matter and answer in a short professional tone, "In the medic tent the doctor just got here."
"Okay, Men Lets GO!" General Washington yells and men carrying someone on a strecher rush past you.
You catch a glimps of limp hair stained with blood , but the blue Generals coat is what takes your breath away.
"No, No, Genral Washington who was that!" YOu scream at him as the men rush by, to quick for you to get a second glance.
" (y/n)  don't think about it just get a battle strategy planned and take your troops out HAYAKU!" General Washington orders with hardened eyes of someone who battles many time.
Your eyes kept flashing to the figure that was now inside of the tent, you felt your heart pump and your harnds sweat but you hastily nod before going back insidethe tent.
There you stopped to catch your breath placing a hand over your heart. You did your best to push away all of the horrible thoughts invading your mind and focused on the map on the table.
You set out ot work finalizing your battle plans. A few moments later you tossed oyur quill aside, grabbed your map and met your men outside.
"Okay men there's no room for mistakes, here's the plan half of oyu will flank left and a third of the rest of you will provide back up in the back.
I'll send another thrid to scould and the final third will be on call in the middle. We get in and we get out fast got it!" YOu scream at the men in fron to of you who roar with approval. (a/n: I was going to use the word shout but roar here just sounds so much better)
With that oyu set out shooting any red coat in sight. You needed to finish this battle fast so that you could check up on your precious Alexander who you pray is safe on the battle feild and not the wounded man in the tent.
The battle was soon over and you were covered in the blood of your enemies.
Quickly you hurry your men back and rush into the medical tent. You stand breathless as you gasp in horror with your hands to your mouth.
"NO, NOOOO! Please , pelase anyhting but this!" YOu scream as you fall to yoru knees.
Infront of you lay your beloved Alexander a large bandage wound wrapped around his head. The doctor signed and cleaned his glasses solemnly.
"I won't say it looks good, but I have confidence he'll live through this. He's a strong one this man, don't worry. I will not allow guest for now in order to keep the tent clean of germs, but I will tell you when you are allowed to visit."  He gave you a small smile before grabbing more medical supplies.
You hear your name called outside of the tent, and you leave the room allowing the doctor to work in peace. Your heart feels heavy but you keep hope that he will make it through the nice.
A/n: Hey guys I really hoped you enjoyed that chapter. Things are REALLLY spicing up I think I do my best writing during english class lololol. I actually attended todays class but we were reading literature from stupid old men like Shakespear and I'm such a more better writer than he is like he can kiss my feet if it wasn't for the fact that I haven't had 100 plus years to let my content ciruclate then I'd be the one we anazlye in english class NOT HIM. Like hearing all of his dumb poetry stuff just makes me a  better writer because I know waht to AVOID. Him and all those old writers of poetry are so AGRAVATING they think that their life is hard but their faamous people and old famous people never have hard lives PERIOD and if you think otherwise your dead WRONG. Anyway my parents have started looking into my computer so I'll let you guys know ahead of time I might not post anything becuase of their dumb snooping. Although I shoudln't have to tell you anyhting since it's MY LIFE and you should just accpet that I upload when I want and be freaking greatful but waver I gues I'll be even nicer to you stupid impatient people and let you know ahead of time what my ENTIRE schedule will be like. ALTHOUGH really Like I don't get why they want to check my stuff theyre such STALKERS. They think that I cna't handle myself online but  I am PERFECtly capable of doing so. They just don't understand because they didn't grow up with computers like I DID. SO yeah they can suck it I'm failing english and cutting class because I DON'T NEED IT I'M BETTER THAN ANYONE WE EVER LEARNED OF. so like why can't I choose to opt out into a free time since there's nothing I can learn there. UGH its bad enough they took all my other stuff but now they want to touch my precious laptop I think freaking NOT! I bet they think I do dumb stuff like sell myself to strnagers on the internet or something dumb which is causing my "rebellion" which is totally justified by the way becuase they're wronga nd I'm right in this situation obviously. I will not let them take my computer sitting down though, they'll regret looking into my computer becuase then they'll see I'm even more matrue online than they are and then they'll be the ones asking for forgivness for not trusting me with my own computer and phone. Anyway I'll let the characters tell you bye now.

Hamilton: Goodbye vieweerrr stay tuned for the wakeist bestest piece of literture you will EVER read!!!
Hamilton: There I said it hmph
Me: Hamilton *glares*
Hamilton: I mean it's totally true and I 100% back you up your the best author I've ever had the pleasure of having fanfiction written of
Me: I better
Washingotn: She's right Hamilton I hope you won't say that with sarcasm like some of the commenters of this story.
Washington: Better
Peggy: Oh since they're fighting I call dips on saying the real goodbye. GOODBYE READERS!!!!!!!!!

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