The Showdown

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A/n: okay everyone it's finally here I'm sorry that this chapter is so late but Ive just had a really tough and bad couple of week and I had to take a mental health break before I could get around to writing this because even though it's like my escape it also takes a lot of work and effort on my part so thank u to everyone who supports me and screw u to all the haters. So basically what happened was first of all that apparnetly I was "cutting class" which I don't even really do that much only for english class becoz I HATE HATE HATE those stupid old books they make us read also it's ONLIEN CLASS ITS SO DUMB LIKE IT DONT MATTER NO MORE and so my parents took away my phone and my ipad and airpods until I do my homework and like how do they expect me to live without it??? like UGHHHHHH I can't stand this like I have a life it' s like they don't even KNOW what I'm going through. Luckly I can still post this because I have my laptop AND OBVIOUSLY FOR LIKE SCHOOL for schoolwork but it isn't the same as a phone and also my little borhter surprised me once and I closed the screen on a pencil and it cracked. and then secondly my crush who we're going to call "alex" (haha geddit) got a gf AND HE ALWAYS POST CUTE PICSNOF CUT TEXT AND it's so ANNOYING like they just have TO SHOW THEIR RELATIONSHIP ONLINE LIKE THAT WHNE THATS ALL WE USING. I can't even like my life sucks so much UGH this is the absolute worst thing that could everrrrrr happen to me I'm so glad that at least I can escape into the world of fiction. (Actually I think "Alex" has been dating her for like a month but I didn't know because nobody ever tells me aboutu anything. UGH) so anyway on to the story. Life really sucks right now and I'm really tired of having to deal with such adult things like what the heck?! Why am I being go own so much pressure of the rest of the world perceives me as a CHILD?! Double freaking standards so freaking suck. Anyway on with the story.

Alexander stoop tall puffing his muscley chest

outward, "You dare challegne me Burr." Well then if we must then we shall get your guns you have yourself a duel sunny boy."

With that the two of them head to a barrel feild where there

was nothign aroudn but grass and rocks. (a/n: imagine those sort of desert type landscapes)

You sildently understand that there is nothign you can do to stop the men from fighitng each other with their guns so you only hug Alexander tightly kiss him

sweatly and trott over to your designated veiwing spot with oyur hadns claps praying to the lord to keep your Alexander alive.
The countdown going form ten to one couldn't have taken more than ten seconds but to you it felt like it took many of many years to tick down. Eveythign you saw was in the slowest of motion.

Your baited breath was caught time and time again as the sun would glint of the two poslished guns.

The dust was rising with every suffed boot movment that was made blurring your vision of what was to happen on the field.
When the deaded counting down finially hit its second final number you nearly faited from the suspense and agony.
However upon the one that was shouted a gun was clicked and a gang was heard.
Everyone gasped and fanned their faces, the duel was started early.
You nearly cried form the shock and the horror of where the bullet may have landed.
"Alexander my love pleae be alright please PLEASE!" You dash onto the avitve feild uncarring of the duel that was taking place.

"ALEXANDER!!!" You tried to cry out amist the screaming of the women who were fearful of the entire situation yet sitting like cowering ducks. (a/n: ugh idiots they should be doing somethign am I right)

You see a figure moving in the dust and you run and sprint and jump towards the figure in blinded hope of the figure being your lovely ALxeander.
However upon inspection you realize teh build was to big and you froze in your spot.
You see Burr aim his gun at you and pull the trigger. You wince and curl up in vain attempt to protect yourself and scream as the bullet nearly crunches into your shoulder. You distantly hear another voice starting to make its way to you and scream in terror even more.
The dust from the wind has now compeltely covered everyone's vision and many were seeking shlelter, yet the duel persits on.
Burr seems to not care which of you gets shot as he fires his gun at the running figure of your beloved angleic Alexander.
On stumbly feet you rush to push him out of the way and feel a bullet wedge its way into your sensitive elbow.
You stumble and scream in pain but feel arms incircle and protect you.
" (y/n) kudasai kudasai kudasai be okay!" He screams! "Chotto matte kudasai (y/n) -chann !!!" (a/n: I cried writing this scene it's just so sad :-:) He covers his body with yours and you can feel tears dripping onto your exposed wound.
You wipser to him "As long as your safe." And use up the remainder of your energy.
You the lie there unrespovie but still litening.
"Burr call the duel off this instance you cheated and with nearly no sight we must leave now!" Alexander shouts but Burr doesn't listen.
"Never HAMILTON we shall fight to the death like men your lover not withstanding!" He brianishes his gun and stands directly infront of your ALexnader rendering the two of you unable to retreat to safety.
This seemed to be the last thing for Alexander because without hesitation he shoots Burr with his gun as many times as the barrel would allow until Burr fell down to the ground.
Seeing your lover win yet naother duel you felt satsified enought to pass out, but before you could you mustered up some regained strenght that would probably be the last of it and comb your fingers through ALxeanders hair. (a/n: ah using the last of your strength to reassure a loved one of your saftey how sweeettttt) "Alexander I'll be daijobu no need ot worry, please don't be scared I am with you. I am strong I shall make this through it and it'll be because Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu." With that you lay your head on his chest and drift off into slumber. (a/n: Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu means I love you for my un japanesey fans)
Linebreak Lenny here courtesy of the speed from that dumb early bullet
You awoke once more on a soft bed wih the sun streaming down on you. You try to rub your eyes but a hand stops you from moving gently.
"Careful (y/n) you'll hut yourself if you move that shoulder." A heavenyl voice declares.
You crack your eyes open and see your wonderful Aleander look down at you, his eyes heavily bagged and his hair knotted and greasy.
"Alexander?" You murmur confused.
"Yes it's me honey, it's okay I got you, the doctor patched you up real good and General Washingotn has given us as much time as you need to recover." ALexander brushes (y/v/h) hair out of your beaitful (y/c/e) orbs and smiles that raidant smile of his.
You hum and lean into his broad chest, he wraps his arms around you to bring you closer to him mindful of youre wounded shoulder. (a/n: awww what a romantic scene I'm gushing)
You feel yourself entering a blisfful state of sleep but you pry your eyes open in hopes to gaze into his beautiful eyes some more.
"je t'aime (a/n: I love you in french french gang gather round) Hamilton je t'aime you so much." You murmmer.
He kisses the top most part of your head in the tenderness maner, "salanghae salanghae (a/n: don't worry koreaboos you get your language to that also says I love you by the way) you to my precious (y/n) now sleep and heal I'll be with you every step of the way forever and ever."
And with that the two of you fell into a blissful rest in the confortin embrace of the other uncaring of the world that surrounds the two of you.

A/n: Look I am not having it with ANYONE ANYMORE!! As you can tell I'm NOT having it and some of you aren't helping. I HAD TO DELETE SO MANY MESSAGES THAT WERE BEING SO MEAN TO ME LIKE THAT SHOUDLNT HAPPEN YOU ALL SHOULDNT MAKE ME DO THIS. Look I get it this took a while to get out! A lot longer than the others sure but like DON'T TELL ME TO HURRY UP I WILL WRITE THIS WHENEVER I SO PLEASE! I get it as an author I should try and please my readers, but my readers should have MY BEST INTEREST AT HEART! You should CARE about my mental and emotional health and PATIENLTY wait for me to finish up the story NOT comment "Oh when's the next chapter going to bet out" "Oh where did she go did she die?" Those comments are NOT helpful and DON'T make me want to write this story out anymore. SO YEAH SHUT UP IF I TAKE BREAKS I TAKE BREAKS DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT SORT OF PAIN I WENT THROUGH THIS WEEK NO YOU DON'T DON'T YOU YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT ME WHEN I'M GIVING YOU YOUR STUPID CHAPTERS TO HATE ON! Ugh I'm so done with you guys and I'm so done with Wattpad culture its TOXIC! Anyway I'll just let the characters do the end card now before I get really mad and write up a whole essay in this authors note. I wou'dnt want to subject the few loyal fans I have to a rant that they don't deserve to hear. Shout out to my real fans out there who never pester me and onyl shower me with love and treat me how I should be treated instead of teasing me for being a "special snowflake" which I take no offense to because obviously I'm special your lives wouldn't be nearly as interesting if I didn't grace you with this story your weclome.

Whew sorry got a bit carried away but take this as a lesson not to push your authors we authors have all the power here remember that. Anyway on with the end card.

Aaron Burr: Well I suppose I must now be of worth and give a proper goodbye to our lovely audience

Hamilton: no Burr I believe you meant to say I. I mean she clearly wants only the best character to say today's end card wishes correct.

Aaron Burr: I couldn't agree with you more the best character truly should give the end card so allow me to fulfill my duty

Hamilton: I believe you meant my duty
Aaron Burr: Hamilton-
Washington: Stop arguing like petulant children specially sicne the author has been having such a terrible time. I shall say the end card if there are no objections
Aaron & Hamilton: no sir *strighten ip*
Washington: thank you lovely readers for reading please like and leave a positive uplifting comment down below and we'll see you in the next one.

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