Well, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed

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I woke up exactly how I woke up most days after last summer, in pain. I grabbed my head and let out a grown, preparing myself for the inevitable. You see, it always went like this: I had a headache. The headache led to dizziness that was sometimes so bad that it made me puke. Then it happened...

Suddenly I was no longer in my bed. I looked around and noticed a jungle gym, a slide...I was in a park? Usually that was about all that happened. I would see a glimpse of some unknown place and then it would all be over. Not this time though.

This time I heard a shout. "Joe? Joe, come on we have to go!"

The name didn't originally spark my attention. After all, my names Joey and no one has really called me "Joe" in over six years. Despite that I instantly turned around, as if I wasn't in control of my own body.

That's when I noticed how big everything looked. It was almost as if I had shrunk more than a foot, aka my worst nightmare. I was already small enough as it was, the universe didn't have to go around making it any worse.

Then a giggle escaped my lips. The shocking thing about it though was that it didn't sound like my voice at all. Actually scratch that. It did sound like me, only if I was a four year old or something.

"You have to find me!" My younger self shouted into the distance.

I heard footsteps approaching and then a girl walked into my view. I tried to identify her but she hurt my eyes too much to look at. She seemed to be around ten or eleven. The most distinguishing thing I could tell about her though was her unruly black hair.

She smirked and looked down at me, "games over Joe. I found you."

I gasped and sat bolt upright in my bed. It was a dream, I thought to myself. Just a dream. But as much as I wished, even I couldn't ignore the fading pain in my skull.

I groaned and muted, "come on Joey. You can't just have a couple months of normal?"

As I hoped out of my bed I took in my room. I did this a lot more often than was probably usual. I guess I was just really proud of it. After all, I couldn't remember having my own room any other time in my entire life.

The walls were painted a nice baby blue that made the whole room look like the sky when the morning sunlight filtered through my curtains. I had a pretty standard bed, a standard closet and a standard desk. I smiled, everything was just the way I liked it.

My favorite part of the room was that even though I wasn't right next to Percy we could still communicate. You see, on the floor, right by my window there's an air vent. That same air vent goes directly into Percy's room. We usually just use it to say goodnight, or to have conversations about things we don't want Sally to hear. Needless to say, it was pretty cool.

I changed into a pair of jean shorts and my favorite yellow t-shirt. Today was a special occasion. For the first time in my and Percy's life, we actually made it to the last day of school without getting expelled. Crazy right?

Before I left my room I made sure to clip on my charm bracelet, otherwise known as Ether. Even though I wore it everyday I hadn't actually seen Ether in sword form for months. I hadn't really had a need to I guess. You know, that and the fact that Sally had made Percy and I promise not to use deadly weapons in the apartment after he'd swung a javelin the wrong way and taken out her china cabinet.

As I walked out of my room I stopped when I reached the front door. There on the floor was a letter. Sally must have dropped it on her way in from collecting the mail.

I leaned down and picked the thing up. I didn't mean to snoop, I really didn't. It's just that before I could look away a single word actually clicked in my mind, Arizona. It probably meant nothing, I thought to myself. There's a ton of people who are capable of writing letters from Arizona...but we only knew one family, the Myers.

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