Apparently, Percy and I have different definitions of "fine"

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"You're welcome," Percy said. "Now, was anyone else on board your lifeboat?"

I knew where he was going with that. Maybe Tyson had gotten out of there. Maybe he was just at the bay, watching their ship...

But Clarisse looked surprised. "No. Just me. Everybody else aboard the Birmingham...well, I didn't even know you guys made it out."

I looked down for a second and breathed. I needed to be strong, for Percy. This wasn't the time to fall apart . "Okay then, come on. We have to go help Annabeth-"

A loud explosion echoed throughout the cave, followed by a scream that gave me chills. It was Annabeth crying out in fear.

"I got Nobody!" Polyphemus gloated.

The group of us had crept to the cave entrance. There, in front of us was the Cyclops with a terrifying grin on his face. His hands out, holding...well, Nothing.

The monster shook his fist, and a baseball cap fluttered weightlessly to the ground. There was Annabeth, hanging upside down by her legs.

"Hah!" The Cyclops said. "Nasty invisible girl! Already got feisty one for wife. Means you gotta be grilled with mango chutney!"

Annabeth struggled but she looked somewhat dazed. She had a huge nasty looking cut on her forehead. If I had learned anything from my weird headaches it was that head injuries suck. I couldn't even imagine how out of it she must have been.

"I'll rush him," Percy whispered to us. "Our ship is around the back of the island. You guys—"

"No way!" The three of us all exclaimed in unison.

"But guys-"

I turned. "Percy, me and Grover are pretty agreeable people but if me and Clarisse are saying the same thing?"

He looked into my eyes and it was clear that he was worried. I understood, Tyson was gone, Annabeth had been caught. Neither of us were willing to lose each other. What he didn't get was that it wasn't a choice of who was going. He obviously wanted to go, I did too. Grover wasn't gonna let anything happen to any of us and well, Clarisse...she wasn't gonna sit out a fight.

She had already somehow armed herself with a highly collectible rams-horn spear from the Cyclops's cave. Grover had found a sheep's thigh bone, which he didn't look too happy about, but he was gripping it like a club, ready to attack.

"We'll take him together," Clarisse growled.

"Yeah," Grover said. Then he blinked, like he couldn't believe he'd also just agreed with Clarisse about something.

"All right," Percy relented. "Attack plan Macedonia."

We all nodded. Last summer the group of us had all ended up in a few of the same training courses at Camp Half-Blood. The play that Percy had suggested sounded good enough to me. Clarisse, Grover and I would make a sneak attract while Percy distracted the thing.

We all got into position. Percy hefted his sword and shouted, "Hey, Ugly!"

The giant whirled toward him. "Another one? Who are you?"

"Put down my friend. I'm the one who insulted you."

"You are Nobody?"

"That's right, you smelly bucket of nose drool!" I won't lie, it didn't sound half as good as Annabeth's insults but in his defense he was kinda put on the spot. "I'm Nobody and I'm proud of it! Now, put her down and get over here. I want to stab your eye out again."

"RAAAR!" He roared.

The good news: he dropped Annabeth. The bad news: he dropped her head first onto the rocks, where she lay motionless as a rag doll.

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