That was a lot

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The next few days were torture, which I was at least ninety percent sure was exactly what Tantalus wanted.

On its own everything would have probably been fine but oh no, Percy just couldn't have that. For some reason Percy seemed to be almost...ashamed to have Tyson as his brother. Don't get me wrong, I get that it might have been shocking but Percy was just taking it all to a whole other level.

For one, no one was actually being all that mean. Sure, at first people would laugh and point at the two of them but that wore off after a day or two. Whenever someone brought up Tyson, Percy would be quick to say something like, "He's not my real brother!" Or, "he's more like a half-brother on the monstrous side of the family. Like...a half-brother twice removed, or something."

It was hard to admit but yeah, I was angry with Percy. That was weird for me to say too. I don't think I had ever actually been mad at him up until that point. He was my best friend after all.

I just didn't understand why Percy couldn't be happy about Tyson. I was standing over there with no family at all (unless you count my absentee father) and meanwhile Percy was complaining to me about how "embarrassing" Tyson was.

Was he so blind that he couldn't even see how upset he was making me? Or maybe he just didn't care, yeah that idea flew around in my mind. Maybe Percy just didn't like me as much as I liked him. Maybe he didn't care at all. Maybe our friendship was all just some made up narrative in my head.

I got so upset about it all that I couldn't even sleep. I finally came to Annabeth with everything and she promised to help. Of course her idea of "helping" was to team up with Percy for the chariot race.

Aghhhh! I just wanted to yell and break something. I wanted to...Then it happened again. My head began to throb and everything looked like it was spinning in circles. I fell to my knees in my cabin and everything dissolved away.

Suddenly I was in a bed. It was dark but somehow I knew exactly where I was. I could see the outline of my favorite doll and felt a shiver run up my spine as I looked at my small purple jacket hanging over a chair, making it look like a monster. I was in my room.

The thing was though that I wasn't in my room. I could see from my flower shaped night light that my walls were green, not blue. No, this wasn't my room, in my apartment, in New York. This was my bedroom from years before. This was my bedroom from before I even met the Jacksons, this was my childhood room, from back when my mom was still alive.

I was in shock at first. How had I immediately known where I was? Before my headache I couldn't even remember the size of my old home nonetheless all of the small details. Before I could come to a conclusion, my body started to move on its own.

I hesitantly walked down the dark halls. I could now feel my small body shaking as hot tears ran down my cheeks.

"Mommy?" My high pitched voice called out into the void.

That was when a girl popped around the corner. She wasn't just any girl though, she was the girl from the park. I was sure of it. This time though her face was slightly more clear. Through the darkness of night I could see two strikingly bright blue eyes. But not just any blue, my shade of blue.

They held that same unnatural brightness that almost looked cartoonish on a real life person. It was an odd thing to see. I hadn't realized it before but it almost felt as though I had ownership of the color. I know that sounds ridiculous but the only thing I could compare it too is if you went out and bought a one of a kind piece of artwork from a store. You paid your own money for it and it's uniquely yours, then you show up to someone's house one day only to find the same artifact decorating their walls. It's...jarring.

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