For once, I'm not the idiot

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"Thermos!" I heard Percy scream as we hurtled toward the water.

"What?" I asked, half thinking he had lost his mind. I mean, it was either that or I had completely misheard him. Who just shouts 'thermos!' as their free falling through the air.

As I looked at the others I could see that they were all holding onto the boat straps just as tightly as I was. Their hair was also flying straight up, like they were hanging upside down. I could only imagine how mine looked, considering my hair was far longer than even Annabeth's.

Tyson started to open up Percy's duffle bag and I shouted, "Tyson? What are you doing?"

Before I knew it everything made sense. He pulled out Hermes's magical thermos.

Arrows and javelins whistled past us.

Percy grabbed the thermos out of Tysons hands. "Hang on!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked

"Just hold on tighter!" He shouted back

He hooked his feet under the boat's inflatable bench and Tyson put his hands out, grabbing the three of us by our backs.

Percy and I shared one last look before he gave the thermos cap a quarter turn.

Instantly, a white sheet of wind jetted out of the thermos and propelled us sideways, turning our downward plummet into a forty-five-degree crash landing.

I attempted to control it but was only met with what felt like the wind slapping me in the face. Rude. The wind seemed to laugh as it shot out from the thermos, like it was glad to be free and glad to be harassing me. As we hit the ocean, we bumped once, twice, skipping like a flat stone, then we were whizzing along as if we were in a speed boat, salt spray in our faces and nothing but sea ahead.

I heard a wail of outrage from the ship behind us, but we were already out of weapon range.

The Princess Andromeda faded to the size of a bathtub toy sitting in the distance...and then it was gone.

We finally got to a consistent speed and it felt more like we were in a speeding car than an uncontrollable lifeboat. We all decided it was at least worth a try to attempt to send an Iris-message to Chiron. We figured it was important we let somebody know what Luke was doing, we didn't know who else to trust.

Luckily the wind from the thermos stirred up a nice sea spray that made a perfect rainbow in the sunlight. Aka exactly what we needed for an Iris-message. Despite that our connection was still poor. When Annabeth threw a gold drachma into the mist and prayed for the rainbow goddess to show us Chiron, his face appeared all right, but there was some kind of weird strobe light flashing in the background and rock music blaring, like he was out clubbing.

We told him about sneaking away from camp, and Luke and the Princess Andromeda and the golden box full of Kronos's remains, but between the noise on his end and the rushing wind and water on our end, I'm not sure how much he heard.

Chiron yelled, "you have to watch out for—"

His voice was drowned out by loud shouting behind him—a bunch of voices whooping it up like Comanche warriors, you know that or drunk teenage boys.

"What?" Percy yelled.

"Curse my relatives!" Chiron ducked as a plate flew over his head and shattered somewhere out of sight. "Annabeth, you shouldn't have let Percy and Joey leave camp! Especially not on a boat. But if you do get the Fleece—"

"Yeah, baby!" Somebody behind Chiron yelled. "Woo-hoooooo!"

The music got cranked up, and it became so loud that our boat vibrated.

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