Act 2

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Kion, Kovu and a bunch of others finally made it back to the Pridelands and waiting for them were Kiara and Fuli. "Are you kidding me with this?" Kion said gesturing to the lionesses trainer for medical emergencies. Kovu respectfully ushered them away and they walked away and Fuli looked at them a smile on her face and tear stains on her fur. Kion walked up to her examining her expression, "your eyes are red. Few tears for your long loss friend?" Kion said, Fuli just kept smiling. "Tears of joy, I hate friend hunting" Fuli said, "yep vacations over" Kion said as they walked up to Kiara. "Where to sir?" Kiara said with a happy expression knowing her brother didn't die. "Makini's tree please" Fuli said, "no" Kion said plainly, "n-no? Kion you have to go" Fuli did and while she was saying that Kion was talking over her saying "no I don't have to do anything" Kion said.

"I've been in captivity for 3 months there are 2 things I want. I want a buffalo to eat and I want a meeting with everyone" Kion said looking Fuli dead in the eye. "A meeting?" Fuli said and Kion ignored everything after that and said "come on let's go, buffalo first." They walked away and soon made it to Priderock when animals were waiting along with Janja. They stopped and Kion looked at the animals cheering and some were clapping, "look at this! Huh? Kion" Janja said putting his paw on his shoulder. "I was gonna meet you at Makini's tree" Janja said and Kion quietly said "yeah." Kion smiled and walked up to the ledge overlooking the Pridelands along with Kiara, and Fuli. When Kion reached the ledge everyone was cheering as their Prince has returned.

Fuli sighed and smiled and when she wasn't looking a leopard was beside her and he said, "Miss Fuli" Fuli turned looking at him. "Yes" Fuli replied, "can I speak to you for a moment?" The leopard said. "Um I'm not part of the meeting but uh" Fuli said clearly trying not to ask any questions. "I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic, Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Devision" Coulson said handing Fuli a card. "That's quite a mouthful" Fuli said with a small smile, "were working on it" Coulson said returning the smile. "We've Ben approached already by the DOD, FBI, CIA-" Fuli said being cut off by Coulson. "Were a separate devision with a more specific focus" Coulson said.

"We need to debrief Mr. Kion with the circumstances of his escape" Coulson said trying to reason with Fuli. "I'll put something in the record" Fuli said ending the conversation, "Thank you" Coulson said back and they turned their attention back to Kion. "Hey would it be alright if everyone sat down? That way everyone can see me and I can see.... A little less formal" Kion said eating the last bit of meat he had from the buffalo and everyone slowly sat down looking at one another. Janja day next to Kion a smile on his face. "What's up with the love-in?" Kovu whispered to Kiara, "don't look at me" Kiara said whispering back. "I don't know what he's up to" Fuli said, "good to see you" Kion said to Janja and Janja shook his head a bit and said "good to see you too."

"I never got to say goodbye to my dad" Kion said whispering a little to Janja, "I never got to say goodbye to my father!" Kion said to the crowd of animals listening. "There's questions I would have asked him, I would ask him what he thought on the company. If he was conflicted or had doubts" Kion said. Fuli looked at him intently, "or maybe he was every inch of the Lion we all remember from the reports and rules" Kion said. "I saw young Pridelanders killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them" Kion said reliving the horrible memories. "And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability" Kion said.

"Mr. Kion!" A animal asked, "yes Ben" Kion said to the elephant, "what happened over there?" Ben said he head to the side. "Well-I-I had my eyes opened. I came to realize that I have more to offer this world than just making things that shoot or explode" Kion said standing up. "And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weaapons manufacturing division of Pridelands international" Kion said and the whole crowd went wild with questions. Fuli, Kiara, and Kovu were shocked along with Janja, "until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be" Kion said. Janja tried to talk over Kion but Kion was talking louder saying, "what direction it should take, one that I'm comfortable with and is consistent with the highest good for this country, as well" Kion said and left to go to the giant arc reactor to think. "What we should take away from this is that. Kion's back! And he's healthier than ever were gonna have a little international discussion and we'll get back to you with a follow up" Janja said trying to calm the animals down.

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