Chapter 9

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"Keigo! I'm back!," I walked into the penthouse and started taking off my shoes,"Sorry I couldn't be here last night, we had some things to do at the dorms." I looked up and saw a woman standing in the kitchen. She was very pretty and was wearing what looked to be one of Keigo's shirts.

"Who are you," she asked.

"Oh I'm one of his friends, what are you doing here? You two didn' know..." I was a little jealous, frustrated and angry all at once. Keigo came down, he was shirtless and saw me, then paused.

"Y/'re here," he seemed a little surprised,"I didn't expect you to be here so early.

"Maybe I should go," the woman ran upstairs and came back down wearing her own clothes and holding her bag. "Umm... Bye..."

"Yeah," that was and awkward goodbye and Keigo seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Why was she here?"

"She was someone I met last night. I went to go get a few drinks and...uhh...that happened..." He had his hand on the back of his neck and was looking down.

"I'll just go get some breakfast..." I mumbled as I went to put my shoes back on.

"Kid, are you upset or something? We can talk about it if you need to."

"No, I don't need to, just need some fresh air."

"C'mon kid, you know you can talk to me, did something happen with your mom?"

"No it's not that, I haven't spoken to her since I moved out and into the dorms."

"Then what is it, was it the woman? Does it matter to you if I women over?"

"It doesn't," I mumbled. I could feel my feathers ruffling up and shaking. The thought of him and that women together last night frustrated me.

"Well it looks to me like it does," he seemed to be getting annoyed that I wasn't telling him.

"Well I'm telling you, it doesn't. I couldn't care less about who you bring over." my voice started to raise.

"Well then why are you upset?"

"Why are we still talking about this? I told, it's fine. I'm. Fine" He sat next to me and leaned forward to get a good look at my face.

"Your feathers tell a different story, BabyBird." I stand up quickly, looking at him furiously. Tears started the fill my eyes.

"There you go with that nickname again. You keep calling me BabyBird, you never used to do that. It threw me off guard the first time and now it makes me feel like I have a chance because I fucking love you, god damnit!! I didn't know it until a few months ago, but I love you!" Did I really just say that out loud?

"Nevermind, forget I said anything." I pull my shoes on and try to open the door. Keigo grabbed my arm and pulled me into him. He put a hand under my chin and leaned in to kiss me.

Once he pulled away from the kiss he looked at me in the eyes and wiped my tears away. He hugged me tightly and buried his face into my shoulder. "Please don't leave me..." He sounded a little desperate.

His Black Winged AngelWhere stories live. Discover now