The Pick Up

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 SOooo if you extremely few people actually enjoy this story.  One, let me know by commenting please, and two, tell me what other types of Avatar stories you would like me to do.  

Third Person POV

As Appa took off into the air, no one spoke.  The only noise was the rush of the wind and the waves crashing softly against the island.  No one spoke for two days until they reached Toph's metal bending academy.  When she heard the sky bison groan, she ran outside.  She had missed her friends, especially Aang because she needed his wisdom right now.  She felt Appa land, but no one got off.  Yet, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her.  "Hey Toph," whispered Aang.

"What's wrong Aang?"

"Everything, but we can discuss that later.  Do you want to come with Sokka, Suki, Mai, and I on an adventure?"  

"Of course, but what about Zuko and Katara.  And speaking of Sugar Queen, congrats.  I heard about the proposal. I am so proud of you."  

Toph's POV

I had expected Aang to say thank you or at least feel his heart speed up, but his heart slowed down.  Then I realized that one, Aang had not let go of me, and two, he was crying on my shoulder.  I let him cry until he had no tears left.  When he finished, he picked me up and placed me on Appa's head. He sat next to me and I grabbed his arm so I could feel grounded.  We took off and I attempted to lighten the mood.  I said, "Katara wouldn't be too found of us being this close."  I laughed after I said it, but Aang merely growled a response. "I don't give a hog monkey's ass what she thinks."  I decided to merely back off.  I had never heard Aang so angry.  I was kinda scared, but he quickly apologized.  I began to doze off onto his shoulder.  Hopefully, I can still get Aang's advice.  As my eyes began to close shut, I put it together.  Katara and Zuko were a thing now.

I apologize for the short chapter, but not many people have read this so idrc.

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