→ He almost hits You ←

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You sneak into Calum’s room, trying to stifle your giggles as you gently climb onto the bed, holding the blow horn just inches from his face. You told him you’d get him back for pranking you, and now is the time.

Slowly counting down for yourself from three, you blast the horn, but his reaction is a little different than you expected.

Jumping awake, he tackles you back onto the bed, one hand posed to come down on you before you yell “Calum it’s me! It was just a joke!”

He pauses, looking absolutely bewildered. You find yourself breathing a little too fast, because his nearly violent reaction scared you a little.

“Cal? It’s only me. It was just a silly joke.” you soothe, reaching up to stroke his bare arms.

He groans, shaking his head as he mutters “You know how jumpy I get about these things, what if I actually hit you?”

“Yeah I know…. I didn’t think that through.” you admit, breathing out.

He pauses, taking you in more carefully. “Shit, I’m sorry baby did I scare you? I really didn’t mean to.”

“It’s okay. My fault.” you admit, smiling a little.

“Glad that’s cleared up. Now let me go back to sleep.” he groans, flopping on top of you.


“Michael? Mike baby it’s alright, we can fix this.” you soothe, trying to approach your drunk, half-crazed boyfriend as he aggressively stumbles around the room, bumping into furniture left and right.

He turns on you, his green eyes glazed over with what you’re heartbroken to see is tears.

“Fix this? Fix this! You can’t fix everything, you can’t fix ME. I fucked up good this time.” he laughs, the agony clear in his forced chuckle.

“No Michael that isn’t true. Everyone makes mistakes, you’re not a bad person-”

“YES I AM. YES I FUCKING AM AND DON’T YOU SAY OTHERWISE.” he yells, closing the distance between you 2 until you can smell the alcohol on his breath.


You flinch as he raises his hand to your face, but slowly open your eyes when you don’t feel the expected blow. Michael is standing in front of you, looking shocked.

Overcome with sudden emotion, you whisper “I’ll um… be in my room.” before fleeing to the safety of your room and its soft bed.

You let out a shaky breath, steadying your trembling hands in your lap and trying to regain your calm. Not a few moments later, Michael enters the room slowly, dropping clumsily to his knees in front of you. Taking your hands in his own cold fingers, he looks you in the eyes, you can see how he’s struggling to focus.

“I am so so sorry. You know that I would never hurt you, babe. No matter how crazy…. or drunk… or deranged I am, I would never lay a hand on you.” he punctuates each word with a kiss to your entwined hands.

“Oh Mikey I know that. I know you can’t hurt me. But you can’t keep going on like this.” you remind him sadly, smoothing back his messy hair.

“I know. I can fix myself. As long as you stay with me.” he promises, hugging your waist as he rests his head in your lap.

“I’m with you as long as you want me.” you promise, leaning down to kiss him.


“Luke you can’t go freaking beat up anyone you think is looking at me the wrong way!” you seethe, kicking off your heels as you storm into the house.

“He was staring down your dress for a good 5 minutes!” Luke retorts, slamming the door shut behind the 2 of you.

“Ok then you could have told him to fuck off at least instead of shoving him into the fountain!” you retort, dropping your purse and impatiently  pulling off all your jewelry.

“Well I’m sorry I can’t think rationally when everyone with a dick and even  people without one ogle you every time we go out!” he growls, looming over you.

“Even if that wasn’t the biggest exaggeration ever, I don’t complain when girls throw themselves at you wherever we go.” you retort, leaning in dangerously close to him. Now that you’re shoes are off you’re a good 5 inches shorter than him, but that doesn’t stop you from getting in his face.

You suddenly notice his hand in your peripheral vision and involuntarily gasp, stepping away from him.

He looks at you with a shocked expression, his hand pausing on its path to…. his hair.

“He was fixing his hair, not hitting you.” you berate yourself, turning around in embarrassment.

You blush as he gently turns you around to face him.

“Did you think that I… was going to hit you?” he asks incredulously.

“I know I’m sorry I didn’t mean-”

Your explanation is cut off when he pulls you into a hug.

“I… would never ever hurt you. Not in a million years. I’m not like your douche ex-boyfriend” he soothes, holding you close.

“I know I just…. we were fighting and I thought for one second…” you trail off, hiding your face in his chest.

“I would never. No matter how infuriating you are.” he teases, kissing the top of your head.


You hesitantly enter Ashton’s practice garage where sure enough he is still banging out incessant rhythms on his drums.

“Ashton?” you call over the noise.

He looks up at your entrance, a disgruntled expression on his face.

“Ash you’ve been in here for almost 7 hours, don’t you want a break?” you suggest, approaching him.

“You know I can’t take a break until I finally learn this song!” he shakes his head impatiently, twirling his drumsticks in that agitated way of his.

“Well… sometimes it’s good to pause every now and then, you know? Leaving something and then coming back to it later can really help-”

“I can’t do that, I have to be better.” he growls, his knees bouncing with pent up energy.

He looks down at his drumsticks with disgust before flinging them away from him. You flinch as one barely misses your arm before clattering on the floor behind you.

Ashton looks sufficiently shocked at his own actions, and stands up in apology.

“Shit I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that…. I mean it wasn’t supposed to-”

You cut him off with a wave of your hand.

“I’ll forgive you. But only if you come inside and rest.” you scold gently.

He smiles reluctantly, stepping out from behind his drum set to come and pull you into his arms.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you babe. I’ve just been stressed with tour about to start and everything.” he explains, sighing into your hair.

“It’s okay. I know how hard you have to work.” you assure him, kissing his cheek.

“Love you.” he smiles, looking down at you.

“Love you too. Let’s go inside.” you suggest, taking his hand and leading him away.

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