→ He Wants Kids ←

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Luke: You were lying in bed just like any other morning when you heard the front door open. “Babe where are you”, “upstairs” you yelled. Why was he home so early, you were positive that he just left 10 minutes ago. He opened your bedroom door then ran and jumped on top of you straddling your waist. “Baby I want a baby”, “What?” you asked giggling. “I was driving to the studio when I saw this couple and they were walking with their kid and so I started think like man I want that…with you”, he was speaking so fast that it took a while to process what he was saying.”I..” he stopped you mid sentence. “(Y/n) I love you and..”, “I want a baby too”, “You sure”, “Yes of course”, “I guess we can start now” he said smashing his lips to yours.

Michael: Michael has been dropping hints about wanting a baby for days, weeks, maybe even months. Whether he was talking about a family member who just gave birth or a friend who just found out they were expecting. Sometimes he would even ask you if you were pregnant and every time you would say no he would have this devastating look on his face. It’s not that you didn’t want a baby, you just thought that it wasn’t the right time. “(Y/n) are you pregnant”, Michael said in a hopeful tone. “Why do you ask me that! You know that I will say no so why ask” he started to talk but then he stopped himself. “Why Mikey?” “Because I want a baby and I think that’s pretty obvious”, “I do too but..” “But what! (Y/n) if it’s about touring just come with me, if it’s about a house lets buy one (Y/n) I want this so badly”,”Mikey you have to promise me that you’ll be just as involved in this pregnancy as I am”,”I promise”, he said hugging you.

Calum: Your sister was having a baby which meant that she was having a baby shower, which also meant that you would have to buy presents. So you and Calum took a trip to Babies r us to get a few last minute gifts for her. While you were walking around you couldn’t help but notice that Calum was picking up every girl toy in sight. “Cal it’s a boy”,”I know”, he said sighing. You ended up buying a few bibs and a stroller but as you were leaving the store you were bombarded by paparazzi . “Calum are you going to be a dad?” “(Y/n) are you pregnant”, they continued saying thing pertaining to you and Calum having kids and frankly it was quite annoying. You two finally mad it to the car. Once you got in Calum started to say something.” When do you think we’ll be ready to have kids (y/n)”, “When we’re ready”,”what if I told you that I’m ready”, you looked him in the eyes and saw that he was serious. “And what if I told you that I’m ready as well”, you said smiling. You could see his face light up.”Can we skip out on the baby shower then”,you laughed “You can..but I have to support my sister, but I’ll rush home afterwards”,”you better”, he said speeding off.

Ashton: Today was Ashton’s birthday and as a surprise you invited as many people as possible from both your family and Ashton’s. Which at first you thought was a great idea, until your house began to fill with small children and talkative adults. But Ashton didn’t seem to be bothered by it at all. The entire night he was running around and playing dolls with the kids, which was quite amusing actually since you’ve never seen him play with any children other than his siblings. As the night came close to an end and everyone started to leave you and Ashton settled in for bed. “I hope you had fun tonight Ash” ,”Yeah I had lots of fun,those kids are crazy” he said laughing. “If I didn’t know any better I would think that you wanted kids”, you said joining him in his laughter but his laughter soon came to a halt. “Would it be bad if I did?” , “do you?” , “Yes! I mean can you just imagine having a little Irwin running around”, “well maybe one day that will happen” , you paused, “maybe that one day could be soon”, you said looking up smiling.

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