→ Your Parents Don't Like Him ←

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"I love him! You can’t change that! I love him more than I’ve loved anyone else, and I don’t care what you say anymore" I scream, storming up the stairs, slamming my door, and flopping onto my bed. I feel the hot tears soak the blankets beneath me. Just last night my parents had met Ashton, and now they’re saying that I have to break up with him. Why? I have no freaking idea. He’s perfect in every way. He doesn’t do drugs. He hasn’t gotten me pregnant. Isn’t that all a parent cares about? He is in no way shape or form a bad person, so what is it? I trust him with all of my heart, and I wish that my parents would too. But no. They want me to end it with him. Well, that’s good for them, because they can wish all they want and it still won’t be happening.


I can nearly feel the steam bursting from my ears. “You cannot say that about him! I actually like him, mom! You don’t go saying that about the person your daughter likes..no, scratch that…loves. I love him, and I won’t let you tell me what to to, this is my life and I will do what I want”. I slam the phone on the table in front of me, followed by my head into my hands. My mom had called me just to tell me that Calum isn’t good for me. What the hell is that about? She only met him for two minutes last night at a dinner party. Oh, I know. She probably saw us together at the table kissing. But that was it. Why does she want to ruin my life? Did she see how happy I was? I guess moms just like to come in and ruin lives, just when they’re beginning to seem okay. Not this time, though. I won’t let her win.


I could tell as soon as I showed my parents a picture of Michael for the first time that this wasn’t going to end well. They frowned at his dyed hair and tattoos. Why? I don’t know. If you ask me, it looks fucking good on him. So, what did they do after they saw the pictures, you ask? They tell me that he’s no good for me. That he’s not my type. That I’m too good for him. Let me just say, I have never wanted to slap two grown people more in my entire life. If they even gave him a chance, if they actually met him, they would realize that he is the sweetest person on earth, and that he is so good to me. If anything, he’s the one who’s too good for me. He’s more thoughtful than anyone I’ve ever met, so if they can’t accept that, well, I don’t really give a fuck.


I had been fawning over this “Luke” guy for a while. My parents knew all about it, as I wouldn’t stop talking about him. He’s in a band, he’s just another one of her obsessions, they thought. Well, at the time, that was true. However, now that we are dating, everything comes crashing down. My parents invited me and Luke out to dinner last night, and Luke agreed that it would be fun. The night was great. I think that Luke was perfectly mannered and showed his love for me in an appropriate parent-friendly way. I guess that’s just what I thought. My parents, as soon as we got home, told me that he was to be out of my life. I tried protesting, but it wouldn’t work. They wouldn’t even tell me why they don’t like him. Well, that’s nice for them, because I love him and nothing can change that.

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