→ Babysitting ←

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Luke: “No.” You warned, but he rolled his eyes and shrugged, sitting back in his seat in front of you TV. “Luke, I have to babysit tonight. We can’t have a date if my baby cousin is vomiting over us!” You argued. Luke shrugged. Even after three years together, you didn’t like putting Luke in awkward situations like babysitting your cousin. “Well, what the hell else are you supposed to do on a date?” He laughed. You were annoyed but sort of relieved that he wasn’t going to ditch you on your first time sitting your cousin on your own. You appreciated your boyfriend for sensing when you really did need his help, even if you didn’t admit it. “What’s her name?” Luke asked when you slumped beside him. “HIS name is Ryan. He’s a biter.” You told him, motioning biting and his eyes widened, making you laugh. “Nah, I’m kidding, he’s pretty chill.” You kissed Luke’s cheek as the door opened, revealing your aunt holding her young baby. After a quick ‘this is a bottle. Feed the baby with said bottle’ chat, you let your aunt head away and brought Ryan to the couch, where Luke was sitting. “Hey, Ryan.” He cooed. You watched a nervous tenseness Luke had been holding completely melt off of him, and he took the baby out of your hands with ease, making you widen your eyes. “How are you?” Luke asked, resting the baby on his knee, keeping Ryan’s head up with his fingers. “That’s good.” Luke nodded, bouncing the baby lightly. The baby smiled, reaching out and tugging on Luke’s face, but his little arms being unable to reach. Luke was… amazing with kids. He was able to hold onto Ryan, and Ryan looked mesmerised by Luke. “Dude.” You laughed. “You never told me you were literally the BEST with kids.” And Luke blinked, before blushing. “I just really like them.” He admitted, as Ryan began to fall asleep. Luke placed Ryan in a cot that you’d been given by your aunt for the night, slowly, and making sure his head was supported the whole time. You walked over to Luke and kissed him on the cheek, watching his warm expression towards your baby cousin. “You’re freaking amazing.” You whispered, and he laughed, turning towards you slightly. “I know.” He winked, and you rolled your eyes, before closing them when he pressed his lips to yours. “I’m practicing for when we have kids.” He whispered. “When?” You laughed, “Not if?” You added. He nodded, holding your waist and kissing your forehead. “Definitely when.” He told you. You giggled. “You’re going to marry me as well?” You asked, and he looked down, smiling wider. “Babe you’re so pushy. I’m working on it, GOD.” He laughed. You kissed him and he placed a hand on your waist. The baby opened his eyes and you looked over, hushing Luke for a moment, before the baby smiled- a full, huge smile. You smiled back and Luke leant in, cooing.

Calum: Twins. Your sister had had twins, and Calum, your best friend, had offered to babysit. With you. Twins. “Oh hey (Y/S/N).” Calum smiled, and his face fell to the pram sitting in front of him. “Aw!” He smiled, bending down to see them. Your sister drunk her drink, complaining about the lack of time she had to do anything recently because of the demands of parenthood- not that she hated it, she loved it. She just wanted a little time. They were now five years old, and of course your sister had been without them a few times, but it seemed those times were few and far between. Calum looked up from his position- cross legged, on the floor, with one of kids sitting on his legs. “Why don’t you leave them here for the night?” He asked. You glared at him. Your sister widened her eyes. “R-Really? I don’t know, Calum, it would be (Y/N)’s first time with them.” She trailed off, but Calum shook his head. “We don’t mind, right, (Y/N)?” Calum asked. You did mind, you really did, but there was no way you were telling everyone that. To be honest, you hardly saw your nieces because you were nervous in case you broke them, but it looked like there was no way out of this. You couldn’t just turn down your best friend so blatantly, and your sister was looking, wide-eyed and hopeful, and you turned to them. “Of course! Why would I mind?” You asked, and your sister sprung up and hugged you, before taking the kids back to hers to get them ready for their sleepover. Once she closed the door you glared at Calum. He wasn’t looking at you, knowing he’d made a mistake somewhere. “TWINS.” You yelled, and he smiled at you. “I’ll take care of it. All you have to do is follow along.” He told you. You rasied an eyebrow, but when the twins came back, he really did. They made cupcakes (Calum making cupcakes a sight you had to document), and Calum lifted each girl up to your oven so they could see the cupcakes inside. “See.” He smiled. “Thety’re rising. That’s what the flour we used did.” He told them. They loved him, and when you all played tag together you were in fits of giggles- Calum tripping over anything he passed, always loosing. When you tucked the twins into your bed for the night, they asked if Calum was your boyfriend. You blinked, but thought of how he’d turned to you whilst tasting the cupcakes and stuck a finger in, letting you taste, or how he’d made sure you (as well as the twins) were included in everything. “No. He’s not my boyfriend.” You told them. They began to fall asleep after you read them one of their stories they’d brought over. You closed the door silently, before watching Calum. He looked tired as hell, and his eyes began to close lightly, asleep before you reached him. You took a blanket off the back of your couch, lightly throwing it over him, before finding another blanket and sitting by yourself. “I don’t bite.” Calum muttered, leaving some room for you on the larger sofa. “Come on, (Y/N).” He whispered, before opening a sleepy eye, reaching over for you. You walked over and melted into him, before falling asleep. “Damn that took more out of me than I thought.” Calum mumbled, before beginning to snore. You giggled, but followed soon after.

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