Chapter 9

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This i unedited so overlook any mistakes. Please comment if you see any. Thanks

If it was possible to die from hearing the most amazing voice ever, I would be in the hospital right now. Cole is standing right in front of me with a smirk on his lips. God, it's like he knows what he does to me. His smirk grows when I say nothing. What are words? All my mind can process is how good Cole looks in this wretched school uniform. Add the car he is standing beside of and you have a lethal combination standing right before my eyes.

"H-hey Cole," my voice is barely audible. How am I supposed to ask him to go to this benefit if I can barely talk to him? Taking a deep breath, I muster up enough strength to talk. "So this is your car?"

I am so stupid, of course it is his car; he is holding the keys.

"Yeah she's my baby. My brother Tristian and I fixed her up."

Cars I can talk about this. My eyes wander over the car, and instantly I'm relieved. Everything on and in this car is original. "Where did you find her?"

"Hey Bro, where did you find a girl like this?"

For the first time, I acknowledge Cole's brother Tristian. He is equally as gorgeous. He has black hair like his brothers, but doesn't have piercing blue eyes. He is tall and very masculine. With one look at him I know that he is a jock. If he isn't he will be. One look at him and Justin will be recruiting him.

Cole averts his eyes away from mine and responds to his brother. "This is Clair. Clair this is Tristian, my idiot brother."

In an instant Tristian is tackling his brother. Laughter bubbles up inside of me.

"So this is the guy you met at the party." Audrey whispers in my ear. I had completely forgotten about her being here. My cheeks flush at her comment and all I can do is nod. "I can see why he is really hot, and he has a hot brother."

I turn to look at her. Jealousy is coursing through my veins. What, why am I being jealous? One look at me, and Audrey knows everything.

"Calm down, I don't do boyfriends. Even if I did I would never go after Cole, his brother on the other hand is completely different story.....because he is hot."

I laugh, ladies and gentlemen Audrey Beckhem. Cole and Tristian have finally stopped talking and come to where Audrey and I are standing. "Oh I almost forgot this is my best friend Audrey."

Audrey smiles as Tristian as he openly checks her out. Guys always do this to her no matter where she is, but I have never seen her react this way.

"Seeing as I am new here, would you please honor me by showing me around?" Tristian delivers Audrey a heart stopping smile, and soon they are walking towards the school.

I burst out in laughter, and soon Cole does too. "Well that was fast." I say still laughing.

"That's Tristian for you. So would you like to show me around?" Cole holds out his arm waiting for my answer.

I smile, "I would love too." I say as I slip my arm through his.

After I took Cole to the office to pick up his schedule, I showed him where all of his classes are. We have three classes together. That alone made my day great. One thing I didn't like was the looks all the girls gave Cole. He just ignored them though and only paid attention to me.

The day had went great until my last class. Physiology. Justin, Cole, and I all shared this class. I walked into my class like all the others and took a seat in the middle of the classroom. People started to file in and then Cole came to sit beside me. He had done this in every other class we had together, he even sat with Audrey and I at lunch, which earned me a few glares from all the girls in Roy Prep. I didn't care though.

Cole and I was talking about his car when someone entered the class right before the bell ringed. I looked up and met eyes with a very angry Justin. Justin and I always sat together in this class and any other class we had together, so when he saw Cole he freaked.

"What the fuck are you doing setting beside Clair?" As soon as these words left his mouth everyone was quite, and every eye was set on us.

No, no, no this can't be happening. The whole day had been fine. Justin glared at me when he saw me walking with Cole but he never did anything.

"Calm down, it's my first day here, and Clair was the person I know. That doesn't matter though because you don't own her, and I'm pretty sure she wants to sit with me."

After Cole finished Justin looked over at me with pleading eyes. Silently asking me to stand up for him. If this happened while we were dating, I would have got up and moved to where ever Justin wanted to sit. But we aren't dating. I look up at him say with the strongest voice possible, "Can we talk about this later? I don't think you want to do this in front of everyone."

I cannot give in to him. He broke up with me. I lift my eyes to his pleading green ones. His eyes are hypnotizing. The ache in my chest that I had thought went away comes back, and I feel like it's going to break me. I'm so weak around him. Then everything changed.

A strong hand reaches underneath the lab table and squeezes my knee, sending jolts of electricity through my body. I break from Justin's hypnotizing glare and look at Cole. He gives me a small smile, and I smile back the ache no longer existing.

Once I feel like I have enough strength I look back up to a very sad, but very angry Justin. "Meet after class." Is all he says before he turns on his heal and walk towards the back of the class room.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding, and place my hand over Coles. Looking for the strength that he had given me only moments ago. A smile tugs on the corner of Cole's lips as I intertwine our hands.

We held hands the whole class, ignoring everyone's stares. When we get up to leave only then do I let go of his hand. I reach down to grab my bags, when a too familiar voice startles me from behind. "You and I need to talk now."

I can tell by the way his voice sounds that he has been fuming with anger all through class. Not waiting for an answer Justin slings my back pack over his shoulder like he has done so many times before, and grabs my hand. The move that I once loved has made me scarred. Cole looks at me with anger and worry in his eyes, I give him a nod telling him it is okay and leave the classroom with Justin.


Hey i hope you guys really like this chapter. as you can probably tell both Cole and Clair share a love in cars. This is something kinda close to me becuase my brother has a love for cars so i will be getting my facts from him. if something is wrong i'm sorry.

So anyways we get to see some Jealous Justin :))

new update coming soon like maybe even today!

also if any of you have some awsome edditing skills that i dont have i would love to see a new cover made by one of you!!! message me for some more info!

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Until next time love ya!!:)

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