Chapter 18

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Awkward. That is the only way to describe dinner right now. Everyone is sitting and slowly eating dinner, Audrey tries to make conversation with my mom but fails. Ryan can even tell something is off because he has barley uttered a word. I push the food around on my plate, and keep my hand in Coles squeezing it every now and then.

I look up to my dad and he is also picking at his food. I know what he is thinking. He's probably wondering who I brought to dinner, and how stupid I am of a daughter to want to date Cole instead of Justin.

He never understood what Justin was like. All he saw was how perfect he would be for our families image. That's all that matters to him. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Is there any such thing as a perfect person, family? No. There is only an image for what perfect is supposed to look like, be like. To my dad Justin was perfect, but perfect in my fathers eyes is having money, a good political family, and very popular. Justin was these things, and as sad as it makes me Cole does not.

I keep hearing that word repeat in my head. Scholarship. Although Cole got his scholarship for his high academic achievement, that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that Cole is sweet and makes me feel cherished. No, all that matters is that one word.

While I was lost in thought I didn't notice Cole slip his hand out of mine, or put his utensils down. I didn't notice him sit back in his chair, or how his fists are clenched on top of the table. By the time I notice these things I can't help him, or calm him down. He was bomb seconds away from exploding.

"Why don't you like me? It's obvious to everyone at this table. With all do respect Sir, but I have known you for only the amount of time we have been at this dinner and you have talked to me once. So if you don't mind me asking again what is it you don't like about me?" Cole questions my dad.

Kill me now. I thought beforw was bad, this whole dinner is like Jumanji. Disaster after disaster. I look over to Audrey and she is trying to contain her laughter. why does she think this is funny? I kick her under the table and send her a glare. She shrugs her shoulders, and looks at me sympathetically.

Seconds tick by, I look at my dad and know right away he is pissed. His jaw is clenched and his body goes ridged. He turns his attention to Cole, "Well Cole, I have no doubt you are a good man, but you are not for my daughter," he gives him a pointed look and continues, " you are not in the same.... standards per say. My daughter needs someone who is financially stable."

Cole scoffs, "So you don't like me because I am on a scholarship? It doesn't matter that I worked my ass off getting that scholarship, all that matters is that I'm not rich like you?" Cole looks at me, and I shift my eyes down not knowing what to do. "Well I am sorry I am not a stuck up bastard like you."

I glance up at Cole and see him stalk out of the room. The only thing I can think of right now is how angry and proud I am. Angry I never had the guts to stand up to my father, and proud of Cole because he did. I look at my father and he is red with rage.
Tristian is looking at the door where his brother left with panic written on his face. Audrey is looking a me. Ryan is looking at Audrey. Mom is looking at dad with an expression I can't read. I know I want to go after Cole, but I'm frozen.

"You cannot see that boy anymore. I forbid you." My father grits out.

Before I even can comprehend what I am doing I get out my seat and look at my dad, "No. I will see him because he was right. He is sweet, and caring. He worked hard to get that scholarship. God, you should be proud that I like someone like him. Someone who had to work hard to get what they have, and not have it given to them. You have told me what to do and who I should see, but I won't stop seeing him. The only reason you don't like him is because he's not rich. Don't even deny it. as soon as Tristian said the word scholarship you hated him. I don't care Dad. I don't care. Now if you don't mind I'm going to check in him."

I don't even give my Father Time to react I just leave. I don't even know where to look. I check the living room, and the kitchen and see no one. I run up stairs and look, but I am left empty handed again. where is he? I go to my room and look out the window thinking of places he could be.
As I am about to leave I see his black hair and familiar school uniform out in the garden. I run out of the room and take the steps two at a time and take the back door out to the garden.

As soon as he is in sight I run and wrap my arms around him. Cole tenses at first, but then relaxes and turns around in my arms. "I'm sorry." He mutters.

I pull away from him a little,"You have nothing to be sorry for you. I was happy and so proud of you. No one has ever spoken to him like that."

"I guess he will never like me huh?" Cole interrupts me.

"That doesn't matter because I do." I speak slowly and look into his eyes. "It doesn't matter," I mumble before I press my lips to his. Cole responds immediately and pulls me even closer to him. My hands slide up him back to his hair fisting it in my fingers. Coles lips begin to move faster against mine. my heart races when I feel his hands grip hips. I gasp, and Cole takes advantage of that and deepens the kiss. We fight for dominance, and Cole wins. this kiss isn't like the first, we are telling each other things in this kiss. When I hold onto him tightly, I tell him I won't let him go. When I melt in his arms, I tell him I'm not going anywhere, that my father won't win this.

When we pull away we are both breathing heavily. I look into his eyes and see that he understood what I was telling me. So many emotions are swirling in his eyes, and they seem brighter. I grin happy to know that I had done that to him.

Cole puts his hand on my cheek and rubs his thumb on it,"Thank you for staying with me." he says.

"It's not a problem." I say. I look at this boy before me and realize I don't know who I really am staying with, who is Cole Wyatt? And that's exactly what I ask him.

Cole grins and pulls me back towards the cars, "Let me show you."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hola!!! Sorry you guys for taking so long, and if this chapter is filled with mistakes i am sorry. I wrote this on my phone DURING SCHOOL TO GET YOU AN UPDATE so excuse the mistakes. And also I hop this chapter explains why Clair's dad doesn't like Cole because there was some questions asked last chapter. if any of you get confused or just curious about something don't hesitate to message me. So hopefully we have came to the conclusion that Clair's dad is a meany and that Cole is well Cole.

anyways what do you think Cole will share with Clair?

Was you surprised Cole is on a scholarship at Roy?

Do you like Audrey and Tristian?

Any of you have any squirts?
What does Cole do in his free time?
Hope you liked the new chapter!!! Remember to vote read comment and share!!! Love you guys!!!<3 😍😍

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