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"JIMIN !!" Jungkook yells loudly.

Jimin gasps loudly and starts running towards the livingroom.

"DADDY!!" Jimin yells and Jumps on hoseok's lap. Wrapping his arms around his neck. Automatically Hobi holds Jimin and starts stroking his hair.

"Chimmy what did you do now?" Hoseok asks, his voice gentle and soothing. Ignoring him the little giggles and smiles up at Hoseok. Making the older melt in the smile of the little.

"Nothing daddy!" Jimin says. But he knows exactly what he did. Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes knowing Jimin got Hobi right where be wants to. "Oh is that so?"Jungkook sings and holds his notebook up "so You did not Color all in my notebook, Chimchim?" He asks.

"No I didn't!!" Jimin yells.

"Yes you did!" Jungkook yells back.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!!"





"Okay hey, hey! Cut it out you to!" Namjoon their leader speaks up.
"I just walked into the livingroom to see you two yelling at each other. Now what happened?" Namjoon asks with eyebrows raised.

"Jiminie colored in my notebook!!" Jungkook turns to their leader holding the notebook up to show him the inside of it.

Namjoon raises his eyebrows and looks at Jimin. "Is that true, Jiminie?". The little shakes his head wildly "hmh! No I didn't!".

Jungkook groans, clearly getting annoyed by the little "stop lying, you brat!" He Scoffs. "Don't call my angel a bratt!" Hobi Jumps in pulling Jimin close to him. In a form of shielding Him against the members.

"Hmhh" The little pouts, getting upset by the naming of the now older brother."be honest, Angel." Hobi turns Jimin to him to gain his attention. "Yes daddy?" When Hoseok successfully gained the little's attention he talks slowly and understanding. So Jiminie knows he can tell the truth "did you color in The notepad of Jungkookie, Chim? You can tell the truth. Lying will only get you in trouble you know that right?" Jimin nods.

"So you did color in my book!?" Jungkook Asks. "No I didn't!!" Jimin yells but stops as he hears his main caretaker Hoseok clear his throat.

"Jimin? What did I tell you about lying?" His voice is more stern now.

"I didn't lie, daddy!" Jimin whines clearly upset. "I didn't do it! I didn't color in Kookie's book!!" He explains with his hands in fists and his lips poursed. "Then who else did it Jimin?" Namjoon kneels down in front of Jimin and looks him in the eyes. He tries to see if Jimin is speaking the truth or not but the little looks away shyly and a little taken aback.

He shrugs.

"That's it! Your going in time out" hoseok talks sternly and stands up holding the little on his hip.
"Whyyyyyy? I did nothing wroooooong!" Jimin Yells trying to get out of the strong hold ofhis hyung.
"Yes you did, drawing in a notebook is fine! But lying is not okay, Chim!" He talks sternly and puts Jimin on the 'time out chair'.

A chair the members put in the corner next to the tv with a few of the couch and the Dinning table right behind it. They put it there specially for days like these, where Jiminie is being bad or acting up.

"I DID NOT!" Jimin yells crossing his arms and stumping his Feet.

He's upset, upset that he has to sit on this stupid plastic chair.

"Do not yell" Hoseok speaks calm but sternly. "You'll sit on this chair for 20 minutes and will think about what you did, young man" it's never fun to punish them. Seeing their sad faces. But is has to be done.

Grumbling Jimin crosses his arms and looks away, not wanting to look at his daddy or other caregivers at this moment.

"Dinnertime!!" Yoongi yells from the kitchen. And a few minutes later all members sat around the table, drooling at the sight of all kind of different foods and flavors on the table.

"This looks delicious!!" Tae beams ready to stuff his mouth full. "It does! Thank you, Yoongi-hyung and Seokjin-hyung!!" Namjoon smiles at them, the rest of the members follow him up and thanks them to show their appreciation.

"Your welcome, now let's eat!" Yoongi grabs a spoonfull of rice and stuffs it in his mouth.

Well he almost did if his roommate didn't stop him. "Where is Jimin?"Jin asks Confused and looks around the table twice, thinking he might have missed a head when he glances around. But Jimin indeed isn't there. "Oh Jimin drawed In Jungkook's Notebook and then lied about it, so he gets to sit in the corner for-" hobi glances at his watch and looks back up "13 more minutes" he announces and Jin nods.

While the members are eating Jin glances around the room. His eyes land on Jimin who's still sulking in the corner. Jimin looks up and meets eyes with Jin, but he looks back down and sulks more.

Still mad at Jungkookie for blaming him for something he didn't do.





Later at night while all members are out. Namjoon went to a meeting with the managers and CEO, doing Leader stuff. Yoongi went to the studio, Hoseok and Jimin went to Dance studio and Jungkook and Taehyung had their schedules.

Jin stayed at the dorms alone, his schedule is all clear for today due to his throat being a little sore.

"Jinnie make toube.." Jin mutters while drawing on a random paper he found, not being able to say full words.

Cause of the members being out he allowed himself to slip now. He showered with the Violet soap they bought for Jimin, he then dressed into pastel pink pajama pants and a soft blue hoodie, his feet covered in Fuzzy warm socks to keep the winter cold out. And to top it all he stole a lollipop from the candypot that they hide from Jimin. Calmly with cartoons on low volume he sits on the ground surrounded by crayons and draws pictures of his imagination.

"All dun nuwe" he smiles proudly at himself while staring at the little drawing he made. The drawing is off the members. The grass is purple and the sky is dark bleu, the 7 stick figures are drawed with the red crayon and they're standing next to each other while holding hands.

"Nuw make 'ix!" He beams happily, smiling with his bread cheeks he sets his drawing aside and stands up. Waddling towards the bedroom of Taehyung, knowing that the older has lots of white papers he grabs a few "un. To. Tree. Fow. Five. 'Ix" he counts them proudly and waddles back towards the livingroom.

"Oh-ow!" He gasps when he knocked over the vase of the table.


The vase falls on the ground and breaks into a million pieces.
"Oh no! Jinnie 'ake mess!!" He gasps and kneels down trying to rapidly collect the pieces together. He shoves them under the table and stands up, proud of himself for cleaning up he waddle walks back to his spot and sits.

Humming he goes on drawing pretty pictures for his members.

♡~Little seokjinnie~♧ (×LittleJimin)Where stories live. Discover now